Page 95 - Port Douglas Magazine 41
P. 95

“Throughout our journey with this
                                                                                project, one thing became evident:
                                                                                the warmth of Tropical Far North
                                                                                Queensland extends far beyond its
                                                                                climate to encompass the colours
                                                                                and diverse community that call this
                                                                                place home.”

 Samantha Martin’s Coral Trout wrapped in Paperbark infused with native herbs
                      Filming Behind the Scenes on Cooya Beach


            bounty of the Great Barrier Reef. Their individual journeys are enriched by the stories and lifestyles

            of Far North Queensland’s residents. This includes a memorable opportunity for Samantha to cook a

 TV Producer & Magazine Feature Writer, Maura Mancini   delicious paperbark coral trout infused with native herbs over a fire on the beach at sunset.
 takes us behind the scenes of her latest project.   In the lushness of the Daintree Rainforest in Whyanbeel, we meet Alan and Suzi Carle, whose passion
            for preserving tropical rainforest biodiversity and indigenous traditions has made them custodians of
            one of the world’s most extensive collections of tropical rainforest plants. As they guide us through
            their Botanical Ark, we gain a deeper appreciation for the intricate web of life that sustains this unique
 IN  THE TROPICAL  PARADISE  of Far  North  Queensland,  a culinary  A PREMIER FOODIE DESTINATION   ecosystem and the food it provides. The Botanical Ark is the Carle’s’ life mission and their way to

 journey unfolds in “Taste of the Tropics”, a three-part television series   “Port Douglas not only offered the scenic backdrop for the narrative of the   safeguard the invaluable rainforest biodiversity for future generations, making it akin to a modern-day

 on SBS Food.   show but also inspired our mission, to capture the essence of its revered   Noah’s Ark story. Alan and Samantha take us on a garden tour, revealing a food heaven bursting with

 The second episode, “Iconic FNQ,” hosted by First Nations food enthusiast   reputation as a gastronomic paradise, tantalising palates with an array of   unexpected flavours and tropical harvest. Suzi shares recipes using some of this produce, including

 Samantha Martin, delves into the vibrant food scene and diverse cultural   offerings from farm-to-table eateries to top-tier restaurants. To quote host   her renowned guanabana (or soursop) cheesecake with passionfruit, leaving Samantha astounded by

 tapestry of the region, set against the backdrop of the azure waters and lush   Samantha during filming, “The Taste of The Tropics is all here rolled into one   the incredible tastes and flavours she discovered.

 scenery surrounding Port Douglas. While venturing through FNQ’s iconic   big BBQ - tropical fruits, Asian flavours, fresh seafood, locally sourced meat,   Our visit to a local cane farm is truly unforgettable as we’re treated to a feast prepared by local legend

 landscape, Samantha delights in the vast array of flavours that make this   a little bit of sugar, and a whole lot of love!”   Rodney Rasmussen, a fourth-generation cane farmer with a passion for good food and good company.

 tropical heaven truly unforgettable.
            His ingenuity shines as he showcases his innovative approach to outdoor cooking, repurposing farm

 UNCOVERING CULINARY TREASURES   equipment to create a dining experience like no other. From a remarkable yakitori grill crafted from
 BEHIND THE CURTAINS OF TASTE   Samantha Martin, also known as the Bush Tukka Woman and author of   cane cutter blades to a smoker/BBQ ingeniously fashioned from a fuel tank, Rodney’s inventive spirit

 Behind the scenes of this culinary adventure stands our team of three diverse   the ‘Bush Tukka Guide,’ leads the journey deep into the heart of Far North   is awe-inspiring, reflecting his resourcefulness and unwavering passion for his craft. As Rodney shares
 women filmmakers and Port Douglas locals. It was an honour to lead such   Queensland. Samantha’s warm and engaging personality shines through as   his journey to Japan and his love for Japanese cuisine, we are introduced to his friend Hideki Ishizaki,

 a talented crew, united by a shared passion for this stunning location and   she effortlessly connects with each character. Working alongside Samantha   chef and owner of Seashells Seafood in Port Douglas. Hideki joins the fun at the BBQ, bringing along

 its abundance of natural beauty, people, and produce. Alison George, our   is not only educational but also immensely enjoyable, and her passion for   the largest prawns found in our waters, Leader prawns. Meanwhile, Rodney provides cane sugar

 director of photography and editor, brings her expertise in capturing the   food and culture radiates in every interaction. Whether she’s uncovering the   skewers for the prawns, naturally infusing a sweet taste into those flavourful prawns, adhering to his
 essence of  food  and lifestyle  through  years  of  experience  in  videography   secrets of bush tukka or exploring the intricacies of Far North Queensland’s   philosophy of using zero-mile food, meaning locally produced.
 and photography. Kim Knox, an award-winning producer with 25 years   culinary landscape, Samantha’s genuine love for her craft inspires everyone

 of broadcast production experience, plays a crucial role in supporting the   around her, reminding us of the joy found in pursuing one’s passion.      THE CHALLENGE OF CRAFTING THE SHOW
 success of the project. Together, we spearheaded the production process   Editing  the  show  proved  to  be  an  hilarious  challenge  as  we  constantly  drooled  over  the  mouth-
 of ‘Taste of the Tropics’ from inception to broadcast, spanning six months.   watering footage captured during the shoot, relishing the perk of tasting the delicious food as part of

 We crafted every frame aiming to authentically capture the vibrancy and   CELEBRATING LOCAL TALENTS AND TRADITIONS   the job. Watching Samantha and Rodney’s outdoor cooking, the smoked Sichuan lamb and molasses-

 diversity of the region we call home, featuring talented contributors who   One of the most fulfilling aspects of producing ‘Tastes of the Tropics’ was the   glazed beef ribs, left us constantly hungry, making it hard to focus on the editing task. And Brandon’s

 shared their time and passion with us for tropical produce. All local crew   opportunity to collaborate with a diverse range of local talents, each offering   famous chilli mud crab? One bite and we were hooked, wishing for more! Trying to condense Alan’s
 members  from  Far  North  Queensland,  spanning  from  Cairns  to  Port   their own unique insights. Kuku Yalanji traditional owner and tour operator   vast knowledge and fascinating stories from all their collecting missions around the world into bite-
 Douglas, were involved, contributing their expertise to the project across   Brandon Walker shares his deep connection to the land and sea through   sized TV segments was no easy feat either. Despite the laughs and food-induced delirium, we pushed
 various production departments, including sound recording, set decor, hair   traditional hunting and gathering practices. Ant Turner and Junlan Chen’s   through, ensuring each scene captured the essence of our gastronomic adventure.
 and makeup, lighting, and gripping.   sailing adventures aboard their catamaran, Liquid Desire, showcase the
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