Page 87 - Port Douglas Magazine 41
P. 87


                                                                                FINDING YOUR

                                                                               IF YOU’RE ANYTHING LIKE ME, YOU’RE
                                                                                 A WALKING CONTRADICTION. AN
                                                                              EXTROVERT WHO LOVES TO BE ALONE.
                                                                              ENERGETIC BUT LAZY. UBER ORGANISED
                                                                              YET SEEMINGLY COMPLETELY CHAOTIC.
                                                                                        WORDS BY LISA KELLER

                                                                         IT’S NO SURPRISE THEN, that my holiday plans tend to be
                                                                         exactly the same. I want adventure, I want excitement, I want
                                                                         to explore... but at the same time, I want the peace, serenity and
                                                                         wellness-focused energy that comes with an escape to a tropical
                                                                         paradise. So, you can only imagine my excitement when I found a
                                                                         tour right here in Port Douglas that encompassed all of the above.

                                                                         It was the name that caught my attention first. Yoga and Waterfall
                                                                         Hike. Simple and straight to the point - you don’t need to be a
                                                                         word wizard to work out what this tour might involve and my lazy
                                                                         holiday brain was very grateful for that. 
                                                                         We meet at an unassuming car park just south of Port Douglas. If it
                                                                         weren’t for the small wooden sign reading ‘waterfall’ perched high
                                                                         on a tree, the path would be easily missed. It’s here we meet Petra,
                                                                         owner and operator of Yoga in the Tropics and my zen master and
                                                                         hiking buddy for the day.
                                                                         While we trek, eagerly following the aforementioned sign, Petra
                                                                         explains that our day will be a combination of walking, yoga and
                                                                         mindfulness with a refreshing swim and (my favourite part) a
                                                                         healthy snack which she had prepared herself. As we chat, I get to
                                                                         know more about her and the story behind Yoga in the Tropics. She
                                                                         tells me how the idea was an evolution from her usual studio classes

                                                                         with the aim to offer something a bit more unique and encourage
                                                                         visitors to explore parts of the region they might not otherwise see.
                                                                         She also explained the power of nature and its healing benefits - a

                                                                         sentiment I truly felt during my experience. I’m no stranger to a
                                                                         downward dog, as I’ve been practicing yoga for years but doing
                                                                         it amidst the symphony of nature’s soundtrack in the background
                                                                         takes the experience to a whole new level. 

                                                                         The hike itself is manageable. A few steep hills get the heart going
                                                                         but nothing unachievable, and knowing that a natural swimming
                                                                         pool fed by a healthy flowing waterfall is what waits for you at the

                                                                         end, is all the motivation you need to push through. 
                                                                         Nothing  says  serenity  like  a  waterfall.  There’s  something  so

                                                                         humbling about standing before the raw power of Mother Nature. 
                                                                         The water is refreshing - a cool reprieve after walking in the heat of

                                                                         the tropics and Petra’s homemade snacks are the exact nourishment
                                                                         my body is calling for.
                                                                         Petra then guides us through a meditation and breathwork session,
                                                                         which, once again, done in the landscape of nature, the sounds
                                                                         of the water gushing in the background, only enhances what is
                                                                         already a deeply profound and beautiful ritual. 

                                                                         The whole experience takes only half a day yet I feel like I’ve
                                                                         accomplished so  much  and I return to  Port  Douglas  a perfect
                          “Petra guides us through a meditation and      combination of enlightened, enriched and exhausted. If you’re

                   breathwork session, which done in the landscape       looking for something different to fill your days on your tropical
                    of nature, the sounds of the water gushing in the    getaway, this could be the answer you’re looking for. 
                       background, only enhances what is already a
                              deeply profound and beautiful ritual. “
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