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 FLAGSTAFF HILL                                         Port Douglas Lighthouse
 You’ve seen the shot. It’s the quintessential Port     Not many people know about
 Douglas postcard photo and you simply cannot           the little lighthouse that sits
 visit the town without getting one of your own.        tucked away on the edge of
                                                        Flagstaff Hill (off Wharf Street) but

 Looking over the iconic Four Mile Beach, the

 Flagstaff Hill Lookout is simply spectacular.           it’s  one  of  the  best  spots  to  get
                                                        unparalleled  views of the Coral
 There are two ways to get here. Take the scenic   8.              Rex   Sea. Being relatively unknown,
 route by doing the whole Flagstaff Hill Walking   Lookout  this little lighthouse also makes

 Trail (you’ll be rewarded with a few more photo   While we’re on   for a unique photo opportunity
 opportunities along the way) or simply drive to   the topic of the   that not many others have tried.
 the top for ease               Captain Cook                              @ghiinii
 @jilarapearl                   Highway, a stop
                                at the Rex Look-
                                out is a must.           Low Isles
                                Perched at the           You’ll be the envy of all your friends and followers when they see
 INST A  2  Sheraton Grand Mirage   this is a hot spot   quaint, heritage listed lighthouse which also makes for a beautiful photo.
                                peak of the undu-
                                                         your photos on the tropical island of Low Isles! Situated just 15km
                                lating range road,
                                                         off the coast of Port Douglas, this slice of paradise is a haven
                                                         for turtles, reef sharks and an abundance of fi sh, who all love to
                                                         say hello to snorkellers passing by! The island is also home to a
                                                 Full and half day tours run to the island daily, making getting there a breeze.
 Nothing screams holiday vibes like
 a cocktail by the pool and no one
 GREA TS  Grand  Mirage  Resort.  With  a  whopping  2   7  While  we’re  on  the  topic  of  the 6
 does that better than the Sheraton
 hectares of saltwater swimming lagoons
 dotted with sandy cays and palm trees, the
                                                                    Rex Lookout
 photo  opportunities  are  truly  endless.  Head
 to the swim up bar for a pina colada for extra
                                                      the Rex Lookout is a must. Perched at the
   tropical emphasis.   St Mary’s Church              Captain Cook Highway, a stop at
                                                      peak  of  the  undulating  range  road,  this  is
              If  you’re keeping tabs, I’ve used the  word   a hot spot of road trippers  with plenty of
 levate your insta-feed with these   ‘iconic’ quite a lot so far but there really is no   parking to allow passers-by to stop, take it
 EInstagrammable places in Port Douglas.   other word to describe the St. Mary’s Church.   all in and get a photo of the epic view below.
                                                      If you’re lucky, you’ll be witness to adrenaline
              The bright  white facade and captivating
 It’s such a picturesque location, with its long   stained-glass  windows epitomises Port   junky hang gliders throwing themselves off

 stretch of sand and crystal blue waters, so   Douglas’ charm and it’s easy to understand   the cliff, which seems like a death wish to
 getting an insta-worthy shot of Port Douglas   why it’s such a popular choice for newlyweds   me but also a great photo opp.
              seeking the picture-perfect backdrop for

 isn’t exactly difficult. The hard part comes in   their photos. Drone enthusiasts will fi nd this   @_sarahlatham
 narrowing down the options.   location particularly enticing as the lush palm
 Lucky for you, we’ve done the hard work for you   trees and expansive ocean views create the
              ideal setting for aerial photography.
 and picked the top 8 must-visit places to get
 the shot that will make you the envy of all your   @davidlloydphotography
 friends back home.
                                                                       Wildlife Habitat
                                                      Nothing gets likes faster than animal
 3                                                    encounters so if that’s  what  you’re after
                                                      you’ll need to head straight to the Wildlife
                                                      Habitat! Get up close and personal with an
                                                      array  of  Aussie  locals  from  the  cute  and
                                                      cuddly to the slippery, spiky and scary. If
 The Heart of Love                                    you’re game enough, hire a GoPro and jump
 Nestled between palm trees on the bank of the Coral Sea, the Heart   in the water with a Saltwater Crocodile for
                                                            the ultimate experience (and photo).
 of Love is an iconic monument of Port Douglas and makes for an

 even more iconic photo. Installed in 2018, the structure has become a   @sarahjanegriffiths
 beacon of love for locals and visitors alike and has stood proudly in the
 background of countless weddings as lovers declare their vows to one
 another. Whether you head there at sunrise or sunset for vivid colour
 skies or opt for the blue hues of midday, it’s hard to get a bad photo here.
 @thegreenertwo                                              Don’t forget to tag #PortDouglasMagazine and @port.douglas
                                                             in your snaps. We love to see and share them!
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