Page 61 - Port Douglas Magazine 41
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hen the urge for ocean-fresh seafood
                                              strikes, there’s no better destination in
                                              Port Douglas than Wrasse & Roe, where
                                   Wsustainably sourced local delights await.
                                   Nestled at the cosmopolitan beach end of Macrossan Street,
                                   this beautiful seafood restaurant is just a stone’s throw away

                                   from Four Mile Beach. Offering one of the most stunning
                                   dining experiences in Port Douglas, it exudes a laid-back
                                   yet sophisticated beachy charm.
                                   Led  by  the  seasoned  chef  and  owner,  Andy Gray,  this
                                   restaurant  stands  out  in  Port  Douglas  for  its  delectable

                                   seafood. Their menu boasts a rich selection including
                                   Moreton Bay bugs, tiger prawns, scallops, mud crabs,
                                   barramundi, and premium line-caught reef fish, all

                                   meticulously prepared to match the coastal backdrop.

                                   Imagine this scenario: After enjoying a delightful few hours

                                   at the beach, soaking in the sun and sea, you might find
                                   yourself craving some light snacks or a leisurely lunch. A
                                   short stroll from Four Mile Beach, Wrasse & Roe has got
                                   you covered.

                                   The restaurant springs to life opening at 2pm daily, with   to Port Douglas. Alongside Carolyn, they opened Bel Cibo

                                   tantalising aromas drifting from the open kitchen, and   in 2009, a thriving, award winning Italian establishment for
                                   guests are welcomed with friendly hospitality in a stunning   12 years, before creating Wrasse & Roe in 2021 at Coconut
                                   alfresco setting. Grab a table outside in the sunshine, soak   Grove.
                                   it up, and treat yourself to some fresh oysters as you sip on   Now, guests  can savour  signature delights like seared

                                   an Aperol Spritz, life is good.             scallops with cauliflower  truffle  oil puree and  crisp
                                   Andy and Carolyn have put as much thought into the   pancetta, a testament to Andy’s culinary prowess. Be sure

                                   décor as the menu. The tasteful décor invites you to relax   to not overlook the yellowfin tuna with furikake seasoning

                                   and enjoy the indoor-outdoor atmosphere. With turquoise   and Katsuobushi mayo, offering a unique and flavourful
                                   furnishings and vibrant accents, reminiscent of the Great   experience.
                                   Barrier Reef, the restaurant is both inviting and relaxing. As   While seafood takes the spotlight on the menu, there’s a
                                   evening falls, the restaurant transforms into a captivating   range  of non-seafood  options catering  to diverse  tastes,
                                   space, perfect for an unforgettable dining experience.  including meat dishes like Cape Grim beef cheeks in a

                                   Amidst this vibrant setting, you can’t help but be drawn   jungle curry, confit duck with a Thai caramel sauce, and

                                   to the open kitchen, where  the anticipation of each   vegetarian options like saffron risotto. It’s a diverse menu all
                                   mouthwatering dish adds an extra dimension to the dining   around, so you won’t have problem choosing what you want

                                   experience. This connection to the culinary process allows   to eat, just deciding which dishes to indulge in this time.
                                   chef Andy to share his passion for cooking with customers.   To complement these culinary delights the hand-picked
                                   It’s not just about watching your meal being prepared - it’s   wine  cellar  offers a  premium  selection from across

                                   about hearing the sizzles, seeing the flames, and smelling   Australia and New Zealand, perfectly matching the flavours

                                   the aromas, creating a sensory feast.       of the food. And for those with a sweet tooth, try one of
                                   With a wealth of expertise, Andy has been a pivotal figure   Wrasse & Roe’s tasty dessert cocktails like the apple pie or

                                   in Port Douglas’s culinary landscape for more than 20   the refreshing Wrasse & Roe Ice, made with limoncello and
                                   years. Hailing from New Zealand, he refined his skills in   vodka over vanilla ice cream.

                                   seafood-focused venues across Wellington to Sydney then   The combination of premium seafood cooked by a true

                                                                               expert and a talented, passionate team, a relaxed dining
 Yellowfin Tuna with furikake seasoning / katsuobushi mayo / asian slaw / nori  experience and exceptional, knowledgeable staff has earned

                                                                               Wrasse & Roe a coveted Chef’s Hat in the 2023 Australian
                                                                               Good Food Guide, following a Reader’s Choice Award in

                                                                               The restaurant pays homage to moments exploring the
 WRASSE                                                                        Great Barrier Reef and the excitement shared with loved

                                                                               ones. It’s about memories and beginnings. The Wrasse is a
                                                                               nod to times with family and friends exploring the Great
                                                                               Barrier Reef, connecting with a magnificent Maori Wrasse

                                                                               swimming around the boat. And Roe, fish eggs, signifying

 & ROE                                                                         new experiences, new friends, new traditions, and perhaps
                                                                               continually trying a new dish. Together, they epitomise the
                                                                               restaurant’s dedication to creating unforgettable dining
                                                                               Yet, any time is the perfect time to visit Wrasse & Roe.
                                                                               There’s something about lingering through the peace of

                                                                               the afternoon to free you from the sense of time and life

                                                                               slowing down for a bit. Embrace the essence of Port Douglas
 WHERE SEASIDE SPLENDOURS                                                      at Wrasse & Roe, where sultry sea breezes, delectable
                                                                               cuisine, and a setting of simplicity and excellence perfectly
 FROM THE CORAL SEA AWAIT                                                      complement your Tropical North journey.
 WORDS by Jamie Jansen
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