Page 21 - Port Douglas Magazine 41
P. 21

             Family custom commission 60cm x 90cm.

                       “My old people, the ancestors in the landscape and in the sky, inspire me every single day for my
                     creativity. Everywhere I look I feel a sense of warmth and comfort knowing the stories behind them.”

             confidence booster in the very early stages of collaborating with them. My   trauma which isn’t uncommon for first nations people, including myself. If

             first two pieces were sold within the first few hours of being up for sale. I was   young people don’t know where to begin with their artistic journey I would
             shocked and almost thought it was a trick or something. But it was true and   be more than happy to sit down and have a deeper conversation into their
             from then on we have sold a large number of works ranging from small to   purpose.
             large within the short time I’ve been working along side them.

                                                                  Where do you see yourself in five years?
             How do you express your culture and tell stories through art?   I see myself in the next few years creating pillars in my career by looking
             I find contemporary dot work and line work styles to best express stories   into buying a creative space for myself for bigger projects and to use as a

             that have been passed down to myself. These artworks I created have   workshop for others to come and learn about our rich culture.

             traditional stories and meaning behind them.
                                                                  What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
             How can people support Aboriginal artists?           Anytime I’m free, I love spending it on country, visiting old sacred sites

             When it comes to supporting first nations artists it can be very easy. You   and trying to find other sites that have been lost due to over grown trees

             don’t have to buy paintings, but by mentioning in conversation the work of   and bushes. Also I enjoy getting my family involved and passing down
             an artist and sharing their story, or even using social media, following and   knowledge while learning new things together. Creating these memories
             sharing their artwork among the wider community makes a huge difference.   mean so much to me knowing I didn’t start learning about my culture/

             My main source of audience stems from my social media platforms, from   country until I was 18.
             media came many life changing opportunities and experiences.
                                                                  Beach or Rainforest?
             How can people ensure they are purchasing authentic Aboriginal Art?  Great question but I cannot tell you - they are equal as they both offer

             I believe when purchasing Indigenous paintings it is important to make   different things I may be looking for at the time. The beach under the oak
             sure the artist is authentic. Before purchasing do your research on the artist.   and palm trees  while listening to the waves crash is very soothing and can
             Do they have other artworks and how many more do they have? Is every   easily put me to sleep. I definitely feel at peace around beaches.

             artwork a collection of one off paintings? Do they come with a Certificate   But in the rainforest I feel isolated due to the density of large trees and

             of Authenticity? Taking some of these into consideration is helpful. But   vines that are often filled with quietness. I find I do much more reflecting

             looking into that particular artist’s background should tell you what you   when I sit down in the rainforest, I feel the birds singing play a part in that
             need to know.                                        reflection process in a spiritual way.

             What and who inspires you and your creative talent?  A final message?

             My old people, the ancestors in the landscape and in the sky, inspire me   My message reflects upon what my elders have taught me. You don’t have

             every single day for my creativity. Everywhere I look I feel a sense of warmth   to be indigenous to connect and learn about Aboriginal culture/society
             and comfort knowing the stories behind them. I feel an urge to share their   and customs. Learn about how we looked after our place that we call

             stories by using myself as a vessel to share their message, which is to look   Australia today. By listening to the first nations people of this country you

             after Mother Earth and create sustainability because if we don’t we will cease   will understand our history and how we managed to maintain healthy soil,
             to exist in the future.                              foods, animals and waterways for +80,000 years.
             Any advice for young aspiring artists?               I’d like to acknowledge my grandfather (Dhamu) Paul Gordon and Uncle
             I hope young artists can use their artistic forms to help share the stories of   Waylon Boney for their knowledge passed down.
             their area/mob or even their journey. It can be used as a means of healing   
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