Page 20 - Port Douglas Magazine 41
P. 20

Q&                           A

                                           WITH INDIGENOUS ARTIST
                                       DAVINDER HART

                                                                                                            A painting commissioned for United Nations gala dinner in Saudi Arabia for world tourism day 2023.

                                                                                                          Emu in the sky (Djurrilai Dhinawan)  3x3 Large circular artwork

         How long have you been painting and what   Katanning.  I  left  just  before  I  turned  one  and   What do you love most about living in Kuku
         inspired you to start?              found my new home in Adelaide, South Australia.   Yalanji & Yirrganydji Country?

         I have been creative my whole life, although 10   I spent my childhood and late adolescence there   The thing I love most about living in this region

         years ago I wanted to take my creative craft a   but left for the Northern Territory just before   of FNQ is its cultural connections to the land,

         step further because of my relationship with my   turning 18. I spent two and half years studying   sea and the sky. In my cultural learning stories

         Aboriginal heritage.  I had no cultural knowledge   and working in tourism in the Indigenous   we are different but so very similar. It’s how I feel
         until a particular time in my life which changed   traineeships academy for Ayers Rock resort near   connected to this region. All over Australia it was

         me forever. I met knowledgeable staunch cultural   Uluru in the town of Yulara. After my amazing   that same experience no matter where I went and

         men from all over NSW along my journey and   time spent on the red sand I left for the Hunter   for all Aboriginal Australians in traditional times
         they handed down old stories from creation.   Valley region in NSW where I worked in schools,   to now. Apart from that it’s the landscapes for

         These  stories spoke  of  themes that  can  benefit   workplaces and in communities as a Aboriginal   me. The small creeks that run into the big river

         not just myself but can be for everyone. They   dancer and helping facilitate cultural workshops.   system. The open woodland areas of Kuranda,

         talk about ethics, morals and values and having a   In early 2016 I moved to FNQ, Port Douglas,   the amount of diversity within the ecosystem.
         responsibility and obligations to all those around   to pursue my now art career. Here I connected   I  feel  lucky  and extremely privileged to  have
         us, including our love for Mother Earth which is   with Ngarru Fine Art Gallery, built a solid and   visited the oldest rainforest in the  world while
         where we all originated.            amazing foundation and the rest is history. It   living here.
                                             was in 2023 that I moved to Cairns and during

         Where did you grow up? How did you find your   that time in FNQ I had a beautiful family of two   When was your first big break? How has this

         way to Kuku Yalanji & Yirrganydji Country?  children to my partner.     helped you?

         I’m from the Noongar nation, the south west                             When I was first invited to the table of my

         region of Western Australia, Bibbulmun &                                first gallery, Ngarru, I was fortunate to have a
         22   Port Douglas Magazine & Travel Planner
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