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               Terry Carmichael’s odyssey through our
                 rainforest’s wonders and challenges

                                                               Cassowary PHOTO CREDIT Liz Gallie

          WORDS by Jamie Jansen
          Embarking on a Port Douglas journey often goes hand in hand with an   A LIFELONG AFFINITY
          adventure to the magical Daintree Rainforest. But did you know that this   Terry’s personal background is intertwined with the natural beauty he now
          rainforest escapade is just a small part of something much more majestic?   works to protect.
          Stretching an incredible 450 kilometres and covering approximately
          900,000 ha between Townsville and Cooktown, it’s referred to as the Wet   While  he  has called  Far North  Queensland home for  more  than three
          Tropics World Heritage Area.                         decades, his roots trace back to Northern New South Wales.  His father, who
          Despite occupying a mere 0.12 percent of Australia’s landmass, it boasts the   held a deep appreciation for nature, fostering Terry’s lifelong affinity.
          title of the nation’s most biodiverse region, housing an abundance of unique   “Growing up around the ocean and rainforests deeply influenced me,” Terry
          plant and animal species found nowhere else in the world.  says. “Despite moving to Brisbane for high school, my connection to nature
          This expanse holds global significance. In fact, the International Union for   remained strong. I was certain about becoming a national park wildlife
          the Conservation of Nature ranks it as Earth’s second most irreplaceable
          natural world heritage area.                         Pursuing his dream, Terry completed studies in protected area management
          Meet Terry Carmichael, a seasoned naturalist and a local to the area with   at Queensland University’s Gatton Campus. With his studies behind him, he
                                                               journeyed north, eager to explore the biodiversity of the Wet Tropics and the
          more than 30 years of experience studying Far North Queensland’s nature.   Great Barrier Reef.
          As Senior Project Officer at the Wet Tropics Management Authority, he   “My fascination with the Wet Tropics lies in its dynamic tropical environment,”
          plays a pivotal role in safeguarding the Wet Tropics, fulfilling Australia’s   Terry explains. “A thriving landscape teeming with diverse life, outshining
          conservation commitment.                             other parts of Australia in biodiversity.
          A masterful storyteller, Terry enjoys educating the public about the global   “Its mysteries continue to captivate me and I’m content with not knowing
          importance of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area and the effects of   everything; I enjoy the lingering enigmas. It’s an endlessly fascinating,
          climate change on this region.                       complex world.
          Driven by a deep passion for nature, Terry will unveil the captivating   “The Wet Tropics is a window back in time. Throughout history, our
          narratives of the Wet Tropics. Brace yourself to explore its lively past,   continent evolved from lush rainforest expanses to the driest inhabited
          discover its unique wonders, and meet the extraordinary creatures of this   continent, the famous ‘wide brown land’. It’s truly a remarkable story.”
          haven. But be ready to face the challenges that put their survival at risk.

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