Page 81 - Port Douglas Magazine 39
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             An interesting part of training was also the   Are you involved in any special marine   predation from the crown-of-stars starfish or
             communication aspects. We did lessons and   research projects?          the Drupella sea snail.
             classes on how to just deliver information, and it   I am currently involved in the GBRMPA Eye
             was wild to learn how even something small as   of The Reef program. Each week I participate   Who are your marine role models?
             a hand gesture could be interpreted by visitors.   in two major research projects: the Tourism
             Learning just how to posture your body to speak   Weekly Monitoring and the Rapid Health   My biggest marine biologist role model would
             clearly was definitely eye-opening.  and Impact Surveys. The Tourism Weekly   have to be Jaques Cousteau. His groundbreaking
             I  see  this  accreditation  also  helping  me  to   Monitoring involves completing a set route in a   innovations into SCUBA really helped progress
                                                                                     the field of marine biology. I also really admire
             mentor new and upcoming Marine Biologists.     20-minute snorkel or dive every week, counting   Lars Bedjer, a marine mammalogist who
             Assisting them with their confidence and   any important key indicator species such as   specialises in dolphin research. He has made
             encouragement, as the new ambassadors of the   grazing herbivorous fish and recording any   some truly fascinating observations in dolphin
             Great Barrier Reef.                 coral health impacts such as disease, bleaching   behaviour.
                                                 or predation.
             Can you share a quirky fact that our readers                            What is on your travel and experiences bucket
             might be interested to learn?                                           list?
             A quirky fact for your readers to learn is that                         My current Top Three:
             some nudibranchs (a type of sea slug) actually
             have the ability to absorb the stinging cells of   “THE REEF... IS VERY   1. Dive the Coral Triangle, especially the reefs of
             their prey! Some nudibranchs feast on hydroids   RESILIENT AND CAN        The Philippines
             (a group of stinging animals such as fire corals)                       2. Do a Live Aboard on the Red Sea and dive the
             and rather than digest the  sting cells, transfer   VERY EASILY ADAPT     coral reefs there
             those stinging cells to their skin to create their                      3. Visit the Galapagos, especially the Charles
             own protection from any predators they may      TO PRESSURE               Darwin Museum
             face. Pretty impressive for a little slug often no   CHANGES, BUT AS
             bigger than ten centimetres!
                                                       WITH ANY LIVING               Any final messages?
             What  is  the  most important  message  about   CREATURE IT NEEDS       The biggest question I get is, “What can I do to
                                                                                     help the Reef? I’m just one person!”. Yes, you
             the reef and its future?                                                may be one person, but when you get home …
             The most important message about the Reef    TIME TO DO SO”             imagine, if you tell your family what you learnt
             is  that  it  is  very  resilient  and  can  very  easily               about the Reef, who then tell their friends,
             adapt to pressure changes, but as with any living                       who then tell their own family and friends …
             creature it needs time to do so.  It has been doing                     suddenly one person becomes hundreds, which
             it for thousands of years. It is only in the last 20-  The Rapid Health Impact Surveys are conducted   could become thousands. One person CAN
             30 years that the Reef has not had adequate time   at a different site each quarter along our dive/  make a difference, and by leading by example
             to recover from major events such as bleaching   snorkel sites and involve setting up three x 10   and sticking to your principles you may just be
             and crown-of-thorn star outbreaks. So, we need   metre diameter circles, and within each circle   the inspiration to change another’s habits for the
             to do all we can to help reduce these pressures   spending 20 minutes doing an in-depth record   better. Keep learning everything you can, do
             and impacts and allow our Reef the time it   of the composition of the sea floor, including   your best to change your lifestyle to help towards
             needs to recover like it has shown it is capable   coral cover. From there, percentages are worked   a better environment and don’t be afraid to stick
             of in the past.                     out of how much the coral cover is living,   up for yourself and educate others.
                                                 any  bleaching  or  disease,  or  any  evidence  of
                                                                                     You can be the advocate for a better future!
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