Page 117 - Port Douglas Magazine 39
P. 117

“The project aims to encompass the entire 415
                                                                         coral species of the Great Barrier Reef by 2026,
                                                                                  housing 12,000 live coral fragments.”

             Marine Dreams Ignited              beloved reefs are facing, largely attributed   “While exploring  the northern stretches,
             Dr Dean’s mission to safeguard our precious   to heatwaves and coral bleaching.  we evaluated  the reef’s state,” Dr Dean
             reef began 24 years ago, when he first set   This realisation served as the driving force   elaborates.
             foot in Port Douglas, fresh from earning   behind establishing  The Forever Reef   “Virtually every reef was impacted by coral
             his marine biology degree at James Cook   Project.                     bleaching, except for one. More corals
             University in Townsville.          Dr Dean pointed out  that in  the last   thrived in this single area than the entire
             Eager to explore the world, he joined the   seven  years,  the  Great  Barrier  Reef  has   Great Barrier Reef had ever witnessed.
             crew of  the Undersea Explorer, a dive   experienced  four  coral  bleaching  events,   “We named this location the Legacy Super
             tourism and research  vessel  that  was at   resulting in  the loss of coral cover and   Site, home  to an astounding 205 coral
             the forefront of eco-tourism, operating   abundance in recent decades.  species, representing about half of  the
             out of Port Douglas.               “With 415 coral species on  the reef,   reef’s biodiversity. It shone like a beacon,
             Our small seaside town turned out to be   bleaching  events threaten the  most   a natural biobank pleading for protection.
             a delightful surprise for Dr Dean, offering   delicate.  Just 20  to 30 species  thrive   “But  then,  in  2019  Cyclone  Trevor  hit,
             everything he had ever yearned for. He felt   currently,  while  the rest struggle.  We   striking twice and causing extensive harm
             an instant connection and fell in love with   gather and secure as many as possible,   to  the once-promising reef. Concern
             the place.                         preserving biodiversity like an insurance   gripped  me.  With  the  potential  loss  of
             “I’ve wanted to be a marine biologist ever   policy for the reef’s balance.   the natural safe haven, I pondered where
             since I  was a child,” Dr Dean said. “The   “It’s like a Jenga game: those 415 corals are the   our coral biodiversity might seek refuge.
             ocean’s vibrant habitats and ecosystems,   tower’s base, upholding the system’s health.   That’s when we conceived the Living Coral
             particularly  the  coral reefs,  have always   Our work prevents collapse, maintaining this   Biobank project.
             captivated me.                     foundation.”                        “The idea  was simple; create a coral ark
             “They’re full of excitement, diversity, and                            by gathering many species and keeping
             vivid colours. The crown jewel is certainly  Legacy Super Site         them  safe  in  onshore  facilities.  The  goal
             the Great Barrier Reef and the chance to   Much of GBR Legacy’s work to date has   was straightforward: collect lots of corals,
             work here was nothing short of a dream   been getting out on the Great Barrier Reef   nurture them  in tanks,  and  protect their
             come true.”                        and cataloguing the best and worst of the   health for future research and restoration
                                                affected areas.                     efforts.
             Coral’s future                     The seeds of The Forever Reef Project were   “We inaugurated the initiative in December
                                                                                    2019. Now, five years later, three facilities
             Yet,  amid  this  beauty,  Dr  Dean  swiftly   sown during the GBR Legacy’s search for   stand  tall,  capable  of  accommodating
             recognised the significant threats that our   Super Coral Expedition in 2017.
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