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After half a decade of eager anticipation, right here in our own corner of
                                                          the world, a ground-breaking achievement took place as the world’s first
                                                          living coral biobank opened its doors at the Cairns Aquarium.
         The coral ark                                    Its profound purpose? Safeguarding the invaluable coral biodiversity of
                                                          the Great Barrier Reef.
         safeguarding the WORLD’S                         The aptly named, The Forever Reef Project, found its champion in the
                                                          non-profit  organisation Great Barrier Reef  (GBR) Legacy and Dr  Dean
                                                          Miller, at the helm, has been the driving force behind this initiative.
         MOST PRECIOUS COLLECTION                         Founded in 2016 in Port Douglas, GBR Legacy has a clear mission to be
                                                          a global pioneer in marine expeditions, using science and education to
                                                          help coral reefs survive in the future.
                                                          In 2019, Dr Dean came up with the idea to create the world’s largest live
         WORDS by Jamie Jansen
                                                          coral biobank to create an insurance policy for the coral reef community
         Imagine a spectacle that defies imagination:     with a living, thriving environment that guarantees its survival.
         a gathering of precious, living jewels. With     From  the moment  the idea  was born  to  the facility’s grand opening,
         colours, structures, and sizes as diverse        Dr Dean and his team have already collected an astonishing half of the
         as the sea itself, they shed a hypnotising       Great Barrier Reef’s coral species.
         radiance under the azure glow. These living      The project aims to encompass the entire 415 coral species of the Great
         beings are sure to enchant you, as if they       Barrier Reef by 2026, housing 12,000 live coral fragments. Then moving
                                                          forward,  to  gather  all  1000  or  so  worldwide  coral  species,  ensuring
         were nature’s hidden treasures revealed.         comprehensive understanding and conservation.

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