Page 69 - Port Douglas Magazine 38
P. 69

WORDS by Jeremy Lebeuf

                           SPLENDOURS FROM THE CORAL SEA at Wrasse & Roe will   different from anywhere else in Port.
                           have you hooked.                               If you want that specialised restaurant that serves Scallops, Crays,
                           Are you someone who seeks out a medley of sustainably sourced   Moreton Bay Bugs, Mud crabs, Barramundi; premium line-

                           seafood that converges effortlessly on the unrushed tropical feels   caught fish from the reef, and nothing but the best options from

                           of Port Douglas, mirrored by a long flow of enticing cocktails and   local fishermen, prepared and cooked by a talented, passionate

                           flawless service?                              Kitchen brigade, well Wrasse & Roe is the place for you.

                           Well, we know just the spot that tickles all that. It’s Wrasse & Roe,   Seafood shines through the menu, though there are many other
                           the kind of place where afternoons disappear in the sultry sea   non-seafood options as well to accommodate diverse tastes.

                           breeze, with impressive food presentations that soundly adds to   “We wanted to do a concept that was seafood focused, with of
                           the opulent feel.                              course extensive choices on the menu for those who don’t eat
                           Wrasse & Roe is owned and operated by chef Andy Gray, the team   seafood,” said Andy. “Seafood aside, there are also some meat
                           that was behind the highly successful bel cibo. Freshly opened   dishes and vegan options. It’s a diverse menu all around, you
                           in May 2021, it is already making the most of its cosmopolitan   won’t have a problem with what you want to eat, just how much.
                           beach end of town location. Alluring visitors with a menu that   We created a menu that hopefully leaves you wanting to try more
                           boasts local seafood and its love for its laidback sophisticated   than just a couple of dishes throughout!”
                           beachy charm, which it wears proudly on its
                           “We knew the site was available, we liked this
                           space,” says chef Andy Gray.  “It’s a great spot,
                           when  people  come  to  Port  Douglas  they  are
                           by the sea, it’s that Four Mile Beach and Great
                           Barrier Reef feel that they want to eat local and
                           fresh seafood, and the climate lends itself to
                           lighter options.”

                           There’s no denying this is one of Port Douglas’
                           most stunning places to dine. It is located at the
                           soothingly peaceful side of Macrossan Street
                           just off  the fringe of the sun-drenched shore of
                           Four Mile Beach, where you can easily settle in.
                           The restaurant comes alive at 2pm, allowing for

                           a long and luxurious lunch, or light nibbles and
                           drinks that lead into indulgent dinners to make
                           you feel like you’re living your best life. There’s

                           something about lingering through the peace of
                           the afternoon to give you no sense of time and

                           life slowing down for a bit.

                           “The whole concept behind opening at 2 o’clock

                           was due to it being difficult to get something to   Jordan May, Sous Chef (le ) and Owner & Head Chef Andy Gray (right)

                           eat between two and four. You come down here,   As you dine gazing upon the refreshing interiors allowing for a
                           maybe having just arrived in Port waiting for your room or you   true indoor, outdoor feel, curated by Carolyn’s eye for detail, it’s
                           are looking to get some oysters or a couple of light snacks, find a   hard not to look beyond the open kitchen and the excitement of

                           table outside in the sunshine, soak it up, grab a cocktail and look   each moreish plate that comes through the pass.
                           at the menu, life is good,” Andy says.         This excitement to your meals allows chefs Andy and his skilful

                           Andy, his wife Carolyn and now next generation son Seth work   and talented team to engage customers with their passion for

                           closely  together  in  the  business.    They  always  knew  that  Port   cooking.  It’s not just about the entertainment of seeing your meal
                           Douglas needed a quality seafood restaurant and Wrasse and Roe   made, it’s hearing the sizzles, the flames bursting into the air and

                           fits perfectly.                                the aromas from the oven awakening your senses and allowing

                           It’s a place where the food matches the location, with the   for a full sensory experience, leaving you salivating for more.
                           abundance  of seafood  that they  offer making them relatively   Andy’s signature dish, well, sauteed scallops is a seafood

                                                                          splendour. A recipe that he has perfected over decades.
 WRASSE                                                                   cauliflower truffle oil puree, crisp pancetta, burnt butter sauce…
                                                                          “It’s a simple marriage of tastes that work,” says Andy. “With

                                                                          Something you never get tired of tasting.”
                                                                          What is Wrasse & Roe? It’s memories and beginnings. The

                                                                          Wrasse is a nod to times with family and friends exploring the
 & ROE                                                                    swimming around the boat, excitement and awes shared by many.
                                                                          Great Barrier Reef, connecting with a magnificent Maori Wrasse

                                                                          And Roe, fish eggs, signifying new experiences, new friends, new
                                                                          traditions, and perhaps continually trying a new dish.
                                                                          All wrapped up with simpler pleasures of light flavours done to

                                                                          excellence, good friendly service, and happy memories. Settle

                                                                          into the ebb and flow of Port Douglas nuance, and experience
                                                                          something pure and fresh, in the perfect setting as your Tropical

 Plump oysters are shucked, vibrant coral trout flashes in the pan, champagne is   North journey unfolds.
 poured with generosity, as Chef Andy Gray carefully considers the fi nest seasonal
 ingredients to showcase today’s catch...                                                   
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