Page 52 - Port Douglas Magazine 38
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            three                                                                                                                                                                                Mum, Stacey and Dad, Nick hit the beach

            FRETTing OvER YOuR FiRST HOLiDaY wiTH
            a nEw babY? DOn’T SwEaT iT!
            wE’vE gOT YOu mama.

                                                                                                                                         Sonny has notched up some adventurous holidays already
            WORDS by Stacey Brown
            WELL YOU’VE DONE IT! Congratulations, your little bundle of joy is

            here! The wait is finally over.                                                                                              ACCOMMODATION                       FOOD                                an  Aperol  Spritz  in  the  afternoon  sunshine  is

            You may be wondering when and HOW will I ever have a holiday again?!                                                         Some considerations when booking your stay; noise   Here’s the best news! All of that stuff that was off     mandatory while on holiday.

            How can I plan a break with my remaining 15 brain cells? I got you Mama.                                                     at the resort, proximity of bed to pool (or pool bar   limits for nine months is back. Sushi! Charcuterie!   More  seafood  you  say?  No  worries,  located  at

            Port Douglas has plenty to offer the bewildered new parent in need of a                                                      perhaps) and distance to town/local attractions.  Seafood! And wine! Oh my!   the  beach  end  of  Macrossan  Street  you’ll  find

            little R&R and timing is key when planning your holiday. While it might                                                      Speaking from experience, I can highly recommend   But first, coffee. Depending when your sweet babe   Wrasse & Roe serving up luxe seafood including

            seem daunting to put your precious cargo on a flight and hop up to FNQ,                                                      a stay at Niramaya Villas & Spa. Luxurious private   arises you may be stumbling the streets in the early   scallops,  bugs  and  mud  crab.  If  you  find  you’ve
            travelling with a small infant is easier than a toddler or crawler.                                                          villas mean the baby can sleep while you lap up the   hours desperately in search of caffeine.  missed  lunch  because  of  nap  time,  don’t  panic,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 they open from 2pm for a late lunch or drinks and
            This is coming from the mad woman who took her seven week old on                                                             sun by your private pool, with the monitor within   Toast Sandwich Bar  is  located  just  by  Coles  in   nibbles all afternoon.

            a 7000km round cross country road trip and notched up 10 days in Bali                                                        earshot.  Niramaya  also  has  an  onsite  restaurant   the middle of Macrossan Street, so you can grab
            before said baby was four months old. It can be done! While they can’t                                                       and  spa,  so  despite  being  a  little  further  from   a  coffee  on  your  way  shopping.  They  also  serve   Epicurean Port Douglas, this secluded little oasis

            move, their dietary requirements are simple, and they sleep (hopefully) a                                                    Macrossan Street, everything you could need is at   breakfast and great gourmet sangas AND they’re   focuses on unhurried grazing. They offer selection

            lot, it’s the perfect time to hit Port Douglas for a well earned vacay.                                                      your fingertips.                    air conditioned , open from 7:30am.   of boards featuring pates, charcuterie, delectable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 cheeses,  freshly  baked  sourdough,  and  boast  an

            So here are my hot tips for your first holiday with your little love. (please                                                Port Douglas Accommodation  offers  a  range   If  you’re  staying  a  little  further  off  the  main   impressive list of wines to match. This is the stuff

            forgive occasional lapses in coherence, two words for you “Sleep regression”,                                                of  villas  and  private  homes  for  rent  if  you  want   drag, Kai in Four Mile is open from 7am, serving   of dreams for someone who has endured 9 months
            you’ll understand later).                                                                                                    to  splurge  on  something  quiet  and  completely   breakfast and coffee, dine in or take away. Located   without even a whiff of salami or soft cheese. Note

                                                                                                                                         private,  or  if  you’re  travelling  in  a  group  (ahem,   just 100m from the beach, why not go dig your feet   there is no kids menu or high chairs so this one is
            GETTING HERE & WHAT TO BRING                                                                                                 onsite babysitters. Consider it!)   in the sand while you enjoy your much needed hit.  best enjoyed when baby is small enough to sleep
                                                                                                                                         If you plan to head out around town regularly then                      in the pram.
            A lot of accommodation options in Port Douglas offer hire of cots for your                                                   something  walking  distance  to  Macrossan  Street   Top tip; make that restaurant booking for lunch rather

            room, but you’re usually allowed to bring your own baby swag for free on                                                     will make life easy (when you’re dashing back to   than dinner, you’ll be wined, dined and relaxing back   Has sashimi been calling your name? For a quick

            the plane. Both Jetstar and Virgin flights to Cairns allow you to bring three                                                the room because you forgot the dummy, or the   in  your  hotel  by  the  time  its  baby’s  bed  time.  Plus   pit stop on your way to the beach, Black Sesame

            oversized items free of charge including a cot, capsule, car seat or pram. Just                                              sun hat, or you run out of wipes, or the baby has                       offers a delicious selection of sushi, rice paper rolls,
            include that you are travelling with an infant when you book.                                                                                                    reservations  are  more  readily  available,  you  get  to   bento boxes and more to grab and go.
                                                                                                                                         a “blow out” into that gorgeous tropical romper, or   see Port Douglas at its finest in the afternoon sun and

            Transfers to Port Douglas all offer baby friendly options, either allowing                                                   you forget your wallet, because dammit you can’t   bonus, its usually slightly cheaper at lunch too!   Wander  along  the  picturesque  Crystalbrook

            you to fit your own car seat, providing a car seat and in some instances,                                                    remember everything!) There is a slew of stunning                       Marina  you’ll  find  Choo Choos  and Lure at

            such as taxis, it’s legal to travel with babe in arms. Just be sure to give your                                             resorts just a stones throw from Macrossan Street.   La Cucina, sophisticated Italian does fresh locally   opposite  ends  of  the  board  walk  offering  coffee,

            provider a heads up.                                                                                                         Take your pick!                     sourced seafood with a waterside view. Need I say   brekky and lunch. O r if you’re a fan of craft beer

            If you’re planning on enjoying libations on your stay don’t forget to pack                                                                                       more? OK then, they also offer traditional Italian   in a family friendly setting, Hemingways has a list
            the pump and sterilising equipment.                                                                                                                              pizzas  and  cocktails.  As  far  as  I’m  concerned   as long as your arm of award winning beers and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 food to match.
                                                                                All terrain tyres on the pram make trekking the beach a breeze
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