Page 30 - Port Douglas Magazine 38
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                           lux ur y be spOke  hOlId ays

           When it comes to luxury, the question is often asked: Does it   seek in a relaxing  vacation.  As the Director of Sotheby’s
           truly live up to its name? Look no further than the team at Port   International Realty in Port Douglas, she has access to the most
           Douglas Luxury Beach Houses (PDLBH), based in Port Douglas   exquisite and prestigious properties.
           in Far North Queensland. They proudly deliver a product that   “We have meticulously selected only the fi nest properties for
           embodies the true defi nition of luxury.            our Luxury Beach Houses Collection, and I am well-acquainted
           PDLBH  does  not  view  luxury  as  merely  a  product-focused   with the essence of luxury,” she says. Business partner, Kerrie,
           concept, but rather an uninterrupted, private, experience   brings a wealth of knowledge from her distinguished operations

           delivered  with  flawless  service.  With  seamless  transitions   background and is fully immersed in the intricate details of
           between services and experiences, zero to no wait times, and   organising these remarkable residences and experiences.
           a focus on  avoiding any remedial interactions, PDLBH serves   “Our top priority,” says Kerrie, “is you and your guests, by ensuring
           those who are looking for unique experiences.
                                                              you have the most enjoyable holiday you could ever imagine
           With a lifetime of travel experience spanning over 75 countries   and with Concierge available to you 24/7. While problems are
           and residency in both New York and London, partner Barbara   rare, we understand that they can occur, and want to ensure
           Wolveridge possesses a keen understanding of what people   that we can be there for you should the need arise, at any time.”

                                                                                                                                                            L uxE  LIFE STYL E

                                                                                                                                                 “If you arrive from overseas by private jet, our team can personally greet you, escort you through customs, and take
                                                                                                                                                you directly to your luxury home in Port Douglas,” she says. It is a seamless service designed to meet and exceed the
                                                                                                                                                                        expectations of those who enjoy the fi ner things in life.
                                                                                                                                               “Our luxury houses are situated just a stone’s throw from shopping, dining and a world class marina,” adds Barbara, “which
                                                                                                                                              means that if you’ve planned a day or evening on a superyacht, it will only be a fi ve-minute journey from your holiday home.”

                                                                                                                                              “While you’re in-house, we offer a range of services at your fi ngertips. Meet our private chef, April, who can prepare the most
                                                                                                                                              sumptuous dinner for you and your guests. We also offer private yoga with Petra and have two excellent masseuses on call

                                                                                                                                              to cater to your needs. Whether you are looking for rest and relaxation, adventure, or authentic experiences, we have local
                                                                                                                                              partnerships with only the highest-quality service providers, all hand-picked and well-versed in what private, uninterrupted
                                                                                                                                                                                   quality experiences entail.”

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