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Making amateur golfers feel like professionals...

 Even if you don’t win the major prize, you might win the nearest the pin, or get   The Drummond Golf Survivor Golf Series is open to all golf clubs that would

 a hole in one and there’s some incredible prizes to give away provided by event   like to promote and showcase their golf club by hosting a tournament. The
 major sponsors Drummond Golf, Adidas, TaylorMade, PCQ Reef Print &   event provides players an opportunity to visit new locations and experience

 Design and Fleet Plant Hire. In last year’s grand final, Ken Frost Homes offered   championship and regional golf courses.
 $50,000 dollars for a hole in one on the 18th hole and in a recent qualifying   What started out initially as a local endeavour, the Drummond Golf Survivor
 event, one lucky winner drove away in a brand new car from Astute Finance   Golf Series has grown to 26 tournaments in 2023. Events are played across the
 and Trinity Auto Group for a hole in one at a designated hole!  beautiful far North Queensland region, as well as interstate, and the team is

 It’s not hard to see why the series has taken off in popularity and received the   working towards expanding the tournament to become Australia wide.
 backing of so many renowned businesses. As you walk into a clubhouse on   “From a tourism point of view, for me personally, growing up in Victoria and
 the morning of competition day, something that stands out as unique to this   moving up here in my mid-twenties, and through Survivor Golf being able to

 event is its inclusivity. The series is open to all amateur golfers who have a   explore all the immaculate and amazing golf courses we have across Far North
 Golf Australia handicap. The team handicap is worked out by combining both   Queensland, they all offer something different and I’d encourage everyone

 players’ handicaps and dividing by a quarter. The format requires players to take   visiting the local area to pack your clubs and book in advance and get out on
 eight drives each. The tournament is open to men and women of all ages, young   the courses up here. We’re spoilt for choice!” Dave said.

 up and coming golfers, all sorts of abilities! Everyone is genuinely welcomed   “It’s not often you get to play 18 holes in tropical conditions, walk a course
 and encouraged to get involved. Spectators can attend and be involved in the   with sweeping ocean views, tropical rainforest or see a croc adjacent to the
 day including the festivities on the ‘19th hole’ at the end of play.
 course. As a passionate golfer, I personally don’t think there’s a better place in
 The Ambrose style play versus a traditional handicap golf tournament means   the world for golf and I feel really lucky to be a part of hosting and organising

 it’s a more even playing field for all involved and with no count backs in this   these events.

 format, often event days end with a high stakes play off, where the tension and
 the excitement is palpable!  “It’s a lot of hard work but the reward is worth it when you see people enjoying
 golf, supporting Kick On and golfers having a fun day with their mates and
  “Golf can be a solo sport, so we like to encourage banter. We see the 18 holes   being made to feel like golf professionals.”
 as a great opportunity to build connections that can often lead to meaningful   There are exciting things ahead for Survivor Golf. If you’re travelling up this way

 conversations - something as a society we’re not always naturally good at and
 that’s why the alignment with Kick On Charity and supporting men’s mental   in the coming months make sure you check out and
 health is a key partnership of this event,” says Drummond Golf Survivor Golf   register to play in one of the upcoming events. It’s sure to be a memorable way
 Series Co-Founder and CEO, Dave Cameron.  to spend your holiday in this beautiful part of the world and even make some
 new mates while you’re at it.
 “It’s one of the key motivators behind the Survivor Golf concept. Ever since
 I was a young kid, I have been passionate about sport and I’ve always been
 interested in media. Combine that with my own experiences of mental health
 and seeing some people really close to me who have had their own challenges,
 helping support Kick On and providing a vehicle for people to start the
 conversation is one of the things I am most proud of in running these events.” 
 Kick On is the official charity of the Drummond Golf Survivor Golf Series.   Enter a tournament

 Kick On promotes positive mental health through their various educational   More information
 programs, events and campaigns and helps fund mental health and well-being   Join the fun!

 projects that aim to connect, empower and inspire community members. The
 Drummond Golf Survivor Golf Series supports Kick On and donates some
 proceeds from each event to this worthwhile charity.
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