Page 79 - Port Douglas Magazine 37
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to make energy from sunlight) for their energy.
 However, the corals are not able to photosynthesise
 themselves.  Instead,  microscopic  algae  known  as   Planting Coral
 zooxanthellae live within the coral’s protective
 exoskeleton. In return for protection from grazing
 marine species, the algae share the products of their
 photosynthesis with the coral, providing it with the   HOW LOCAL COMPANIES IN PORT   to start with was the idea of the U-shaped cable
 energy it needs to survive. It’s these algae in the coral   DOUGLAS  ARE  SPEARHEADING  THE  clips that keep cables neat in houses.
 that gives it their vibrant colours -  without the algae   RESEARCH  AND  INNOVATION  IN  After various design improvements and a
 coral is white.  collaboration with Unitec Institute of Technology
 in Sydney, where they managed to secure grant
 What’s the difference  between soft and hard   Innovation to lead the world
 corals?  money, the final model was developed in 2018
 The saying goes “Necessity is the mother of   (though tweaks are continually being made now).
 Hard corals are literally ‘hard’ and have a rigid   invention” and the most effective designs are   The patented product consists of a nail type body
 calcium  carbonate  skeleton  and  resemble  rocks   the simplest.  The Coralclip ticks both these.  with a spring-loaded arm.  To plant the coral, one
 and boulders (there is even a coral called ‘boulder   John Edmondson, who operates Port Douglas-  just hammers the nail into place in the substrate
 coral’).    Soft  corals  look  more  like  blancmange,   based snorkelling tour company,  Wavelength   and then places the coral under the spring loaded
 or trees and bushes, and tend to wave around in   Reef Cruises with his wife Jenny, developed   arm.  The arm will gently bear down on the coral
 the  currents.  It’s hard  to  believe  that  both these   the Coralclip that has changed the face of coral   fragment holding it in place until the coral is able
 structures, whether hard or soft are all made up of   planting - worldwide.  to grow and fuse with the surface. 
 colonies of tiny polyps.
 Wavelength worked closely with the Great Barrier   This makes it so much more accessible for tour
 How does coral contribute to sandy white   Reef Foundation and University of Technology in   operators to help maintain and secure the future
 beaches?  Sydney (UTS) along with other tour operators to   of their sites by giving them simple tools for reef
 plant healthy corals on reefs in Cairns and Port   custodianship. If a diver has some time whilst on
 As parrotfish poo! Highly prized white tropical   Douglas.  a tour, they can grab some clips and replant any
 sand (which is ground down skeletons of the hard   Traditionally, coral fragments were attached   broken corals they find at the dive sites or on their   Lyle Squire, Cairns Marine and Dr. Charlie Vernon and Dr. Dean Miller, GBR Legacy
 coral) is actually made by parrotfish.  to the rock/coral substrate using pre-mixed   local reefs.
 These colourful fish have some of the strongest teeth   cement/epoxy. This was then squeezed from the   This little invention has made planting times ten   Leaving a Legacy - A World’s First  Growth by electrolysis - a first in Australia
 in the world which they use to great effectiveness as   waterproof bag like an icing bag to make a dollop   to 20 times faster and so much more accessible.
 on the reef where the coral could then be affixed. 
 they chomp their way through the reefs eating coral   One person applied the cement (the bag required   The Coral Clip is run as a not for profit business   The Great Barrier Reef Legacy was formed in Port Douglas and is going from   Electrical currents might very well make people’s hair stand on end, but for
 to dine on the polyps.  It is estimated that one large   two hands) and another person then planted.  and they are manufactured in Australia.  To keep   strength to strength in spearheading research, science and projects on the Great   marine life low-voltage direct current trickle charges have been found to
            Barrier Reef. Certainly, their Mission Statement “To be a global leader in marine
 parrotfish can produce 450 kg of sand per year -   costs viable, they are producing 200,000 per   expeditions, delivering innovative science, education and public engagement to   stimulate corals.  Even under conditions of severe stress corals can grow 3-5
                                                                  times. The first results of tests in 1976 in Louisiana were initially targeted at
 that’s a lot of bi-product.  John saw the need to develop a device that was   production run. The Coral Clip is now used by   accelerate actions vital to the future survival of coral reefs” is proving true.
 quick, cheap, easy to use and could facilitate   19 different countries and is becoming the ‘go to’   oysters, with great results.
 What is Coral Bleaching?  planting by only one person. His first inspiration   method of coral fragment planting.  In 2017 they organised a ground-breaking expedition taking scientists on board   As testing was expanded to other marine organisms it was found that coral
            an expedition vessel to the Great Barrier Reef’s furthest corners. The aim was   responded well. 
            to study the effects of ocean warming and to study corals that might be able to
            withstand rising temperatures. Subsequent trips throughout the following years   Local tour company Quicksilver (and Reef Ecologic) with approval from
            to study coral bleaching and biodiversity have proved highly successful.  GBRMPA (Great Barrier Reef Marine Parks Authority) spearheaded the
 this gigantic   Not only did they discover a new coral species (first one in 30 years,) but they   exciting Coral Restoration Project at their Agincourt Reef 3 Platform.
            found a ‘super coral’ that was surviving well despite living on a site suffering the   Steel meshes of 1.5 x 3 metres grow the coral ‘recruits’ and these meshes are
 structure that   impacts of coral bleaching and biodiversity.    connected to the power source.  The meshes are also ideal to grow coral on
            They even discovered the most diverse branching coral site ever found on the   as they provide a sturdy substrate. This allows corals to be grown on unstable
 stretches for   Great Barrier Reef. The need to preserve the biodiversity of the world’s hard   substrate, which they would be unable to do naturally, so more coral cover can
                                                                  be achieved.
            corals has started the massive “Living Coral Biobank Project” - a ‘Noah’s Ark’
 2000 km is ‘built’   of coral. With each bleaching event more vulnerable corals are disappearing.    Started in 2018 this is the first time that this technology has been used in
            The aim is to safeguard the biodiversity of corals by collecting, housing, and
                                                                  Australia and has proved a great success in increasing coral coverage and helping
 by miniscule   maintaining live fragments in the world’s first Coral Biosphere.  the survival of relocated colonies.
            The plan is to house all 800 hard coral species from around the world for their
                                                                  A final note:
            ultimate conservation and to make live samples, tissue and genetic material
 organisms that
 Source - NOAA: National Ocean Service  are less than   Progress is well underway. The project now boasts three dedicated holding   it and the work of those who live and breathe this natural wonder of the world
            available for reef research and restoration efforts.
                                                                  The Great Barrier Reef – A spectacular underwater world ... visit it, appreciate
                                                                  every day.  After all it is these scientists and marine biologists coupled with their
            facilities, one of which is at Cairns Aquarium, with a combined capacity of
                                                                  innovation and dedication that help ensure the living coral and this world icon
            24,000 live fragments. It has already collected 181 of the 400 Great Barrier Reef
 3mm in diameter
                                                                  remains alive and vibrant, well into to the future, for generations to appreciate
            species, with the aim of collecting all 400 by the end of 2024.
                                                                  over and over again.
            In 2022 the Living Coral Biobank Project won the prestigious Xtreme Tech
            Challenge for Australia, and the Energy Global Award for sustainability.
                                                                  We salute you.
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