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         “Planning a wedding from afar felt a little daunting at first,” they said.   individually dreamed about, (same-sex marriage hadn’t become legal
         “But when we found our celebrant Anna Soltwedel online, her radiant   until 2017), but being able to share quality time with twenty of our
         smile stopped us both in our tracks.  You could feel her warmth and   beautiful family and lifelong friends on The Lagoon terrace enjoying
         beauty protruding from the page. She put so much time and energy   dinner and some speeches will be forever locked in our memories.”
         into handcrafting a very personal ceremony, encouraging and guiding   After 10pm the party moved into the cocktail lounge to sample some
         us at every step.  An absolute highlight was writing our own vows
         too. It was a magical moment, standing there together as we entered   of their favourite cocktails and of course some dancing, including
         the next chapter as wives.” The girls reminisce, “There wasn’t a dry   two fabulously choreographed dances that Alex’s friends surprised
         eye in Little Cove that day!”                         them with!
                                                               “We LOVED having an afterparty after the reception, the vibe was
         “A few days before the wedding we enjoyed a meeting we will always
         remember too,” said Em. “A nearby woman, Fran, overheard us all   relaxed and it was definitely fun. It meant we got to enjoy our perfect
         discussing our upcoming wedding plans with Anna in the Cove. She   day for just that little bit longer too,” the couple said.
         shared with us that she had never had the opportunity to marry her   “The following days after the wedding we explored and enjoyed
         life partner - she had sadly passed before the laws had changed,   activities with our guests around the region. A relaxing river cruise
         allowing same sex marriage. This touching story was so bittersweet.   aboard the Lady Douglas River Cruise, followed by some yummy
         Such a personal insight, yet genuinely excited for us and our wedding.    Thai food at Star of Siam.  The next day, we took a dreamtime walk
         We will always cherish this impromptu and intimate moment. Thank   at Mossman Gorge (and definite highlight for all our family), followed
         you Fran!”                                            by more croc spotting with the Daintree River Cruise Centre, all so
         Next, to capture the memories. “We engaged photographer Kate
         Robinson. Alex knew her as she had photographed her sister’s   “We do also have to recommend a tour from our previous trip, sailing
         wedding,” added Em. ”Her style was timeless elegance and the   out to a Great Barrier Reef coral sand cay with Sailaway was a must
         intimate  and  candid  moments  she  captured  were  divine.    She   do too.  We felt very lucky and were fortunate enough to still have a
         travelled with her videographer Emma and they had clearly done   honeymoon in Hawaii to look forward to.
         their homework, finding some stunning locations to capture our day
         on film.”                                             Port Douglas Magazine: If you had to give someone advice for getting
                                                               married in Far North Queensland what would it be?
         “Deciding on a reception venue was the easy part, “said Alex, “We
         couldn’t go past the beautiful Sea Temple Resort from our earlier   If you aren’t from Far North Queensland, listen to the locals. It can
         travels.  We had already fallen in love with their hero ‘wedding shot’   be overwhelming trying to collate all the info yourself about vendors,
         online.  A long table setting for the reception with stunning poolside   locations and venues but it’s best to just get on the phone and have
         views and chandeliers for that touch of wow, we couldn’t imagine   a nice chat with someone. Far North Queensland is so picturesque
         anywhere else we would rather be.  The service from the team was   that you can’t really go wrong with the styling as it already looks
         nothing short of outstanding. Our Wedding coordinators Michela   beautiful. As we had planned everything ahead of time and had such
         and Laura were both incredible. Sharing our journey, they gave us   amazing support from our venue, our day went off without a hitch.
         so much assistance and reassurance helping us to bring together our   And finally, enjoy the time you have with your family and friends
         amazing team.                                         and create a wedding that feels right for you and your partner. Trust
                                                               each other and know that you’re going to have the best day simply by
         Recommendations such as Carly for our make-up, flowers by Floral   being there together.
         Edge, and a divine cake from The Hungry Hummingbird. You could
         tell these vendors all loved working together and there was a strong
         connection within the Port Douglas wedding community.  Perfect      T HE DR E A M T E A M
         for any bride, it instilled confidence in you. A bonus too, Em’s sister
         was a hairdresser and stylist and so our talented team of women, all   WEDDING CEREMONY: Little Cove
         experts in their fields, was now complete.”                          CELEBRANT: Anna Soltwedel
         In terms of styling, they opted for natural colours, with plenty of   PHOTOGRAPHY: Kate Robinson
         whites and greens which they felt were simple but effective. They       FLOWERS:  Floral Edge
         also both loved a touch of gold, so this was incorporated in the table   RECEPTION & CATERING: Pullman Port Douglas Sea Temple Resort,
         settings and with the champagne bridesmaid dresses.  They hoped           Aluco Restaurant
         their style would support elegant and timeless but most importantly   WEDDING PLANNER: Michela Scacchi
         they just wanted to create memories that were filled with love and   STYLING: Port Douglas Wedding & Hire and Pullman Port Douglas
         laughter.                                                           CAKE: The Hungry Hummingbird
         “The night before the wedding, though a little overwhelmed, we   BRIDES DRESSED BY: Twelve South Bridal
         decided to stay in separate rooms, so we could both experience our    MAKE UP: Makeup by Carly
         first sight of seeing each other as brides-to-be walking down the      HAIR: @stylingwithsamm
         aisle,” they said. “We wanted our day to be an intimate celebration   ENGAGEMENT & WEDDING RINGS: Meg Maskell Fine Jewellery
         of our love for each other. Marriage wasn’t something we had

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