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            THIS LOVE STORY STARTS IN VICTORIA, with Alex from Gippsland   but when we reached Port Douglas, we decided to treat ourselves to
            and Emily from East Melbourne.  Both keen for adventure (and ok,   a beautiful resort, the Pullman Sea Temple. As first-time visitors, we
            with a little bit of help from Tinder) the conversation was open and   fell in love with the resort, the destination, the weather in June, it was
            they felt an instant connection. Living more than 100 kilometres   simply gorgeous and we knew we would be back.”
            apart, the next level seemed a little out of reach. However, fate had   A proposal came shortly afterwards. “Em had told me that they were
            other ideas and a month later, they both found themselves out with   going to a friend’s lunch in the city.” shared Alex. “When we arrived
            friends in Melbourne and arranged to meet up. The scene was set,   at ‘lunch’, Em had stopped walking and pointed out where we were
            the Emerson hotel. Alex recalls, “I  distinctly remember when  Em   standing, right outside the steps of The Emerson Hotel. The place
            came down the steps onto the footpath, and I saw her from across   we had first met and where Em first told me she loved me; it was so
            the crowd of people. It sounds cliched but it felt like a movie because   romantic. Em dropped to one knee, with a proposal she presented a
            everyone else simply disappeared.”   And the rest, as they say, is   ring, all captured by a hidden photographer.  I was so surprised, but
            history.                                              I immediately said, “Yes.” After all, I had known from the very first
            Now a couple, “During the summer of 2021, we decided we needed   moment I had laid eyes upon her that she was going to be the love
 WORDS by Jacqueline Young   PHOTOGRAPHY by Kate Robinson  a holiday after enduring the exhausting year of 2020 and all of the   of my life.”
            struggles that  Covid brought,” continued Alex.   “We  decided on   A short year later in June, Alex and Em were enjoying their very own
            a road trip, travelling for five weeks from the Gold Coast to Port   destination wedding, saying, “I Do,” in a palm fringed picturesque
            Douglas. We enjoyed our newfound freedom, soaking up the   Little Cove with spectacular views over Coral Sea, surrounded by
            gorgeous scenery. For the most part we travelled in a camper van   their closest family and friends.
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