Page 33 - Port Douglas Magazine 36
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Cape Tribulation, Daintree
Also, in an historic occasion, country of believed they could offer something truly surviving rainforest, it provides a valuable
huge cultural, environmental and global special, keeping their culture alive, while at connection to the Indigenous community
significance, encompassing the Daintree, the same time supporting environmental and protects a vulnerable ecosystem.
Ngalba-bulal, Kalkajaka and the Hope and economic wellbeing for the entire “Mossman Gorge Cultural Centre has
Islands National Parks was formally handed community. In 2012, his dream became become a global leader in its sustainability
back to the Eastern Kuku Yalanji People in reality, and today the Mossman Gorge effort,” Ms Bennett adds.
September last year. “This was an important Cultural Centre sets the benchmark as an
day for the Eastern Kuku Yalanji People, LUXURY STAYS
with the parks now jointly managed by
traditional owners and the Queensland “We encourage people to think Time spent in the World Heritage Daintree
government, with the intention to eventually consciously when it comes to Rainforest is an experience that can never
be wholly managed by the Eastern Kuku making their travel plans. When be forgotten, according to Jody Westbrook,
Yalanji Bama,” Tara explains. “This provides you choose an eco-certified general manager at the Daintree Ecolodge,
exciting new pathways and opportunities and for those visitors looking to tread lightly,
for mentoring, training, apprenticeships and tourism experience, you are helping a visit to the Ecolodge, promises this and
employment on country.” to conserve the region’s pristine more. Striving to achieve 100% sustainability,
the Daintree Ecolodge uses the United
environment for the enjoyment of Nations Sustainable Development Goals as
CULTURAL CONNECTIONS generations to come.” the framework to help focus its efforts. Jody
One such organisation doing this very well says the natural environment sits at the
is the Mossman Gorge Cultural Centre. The award-winning eco-tourism experience heart of the guest experience, with the 15
KuKu Yalanji People have been passing and an economic driver for the Mossman eco-friendly treehouse bayans making the
their stories down through the generations region and nearby residents. most of the unspoiled setting of rainforest,
for thousands of years and their history The Centre provides visitors with a unique waterfalls and wildlife.
and culture is all through the surrounding mix of experiences: cultural, historical, and “We are continuously expanding our efforts
rainforest mountains. But it was the vision environmental. In addition to welcoming to tackle sustainability and environmental
of elder Roy Gibson, who began offering guests to the world’s oldest continually issues by focusing on the goals where we
Dreamtime Walks in the 1980s, who think we can have the most impact. Solar