Page 117 - Port Douglas Magazine 36
P. 117

Don’t be fooled by his relaxed nature and total lack of regard   “I can be flying around in helicopters taking clients to the reef,
                      for footwear, Byron is a  well-respected business operator,   to Cape York – all over the region. One minute I find myself
                      not only in the Douglas region but right across Australia and   dining with the leading cardiovascular surgeon of Australia
                      beyond.                                          to put together his conference, and the next I’m on a ladder
                      As the founder of Managing Australian Destinations (MAD),   installing festoon lights for a festival in town, so it really is
                                                                       quite diverse,” he says.
                      Uptown and Port Douglas Weddings and Hire, as well as a
                      wholesale food business based in Melbourne, Byron and his   If you take a walk down Macrossan Street with Byron you
                      wife Vicki are a force to be reckoned with. Showing the rest   won’t get more than a few steps before he exchanges friendly
                      of us what success should look like, the duo are astute and   banter with another local. It’s obvious how tightly connected
                      savvy operators yet there’s not a cut throat antic or rat race in   the Port Douglas community is, and Byron and Vicki know
                      sight. The simplicity of living in the tropics has provided the   more than anyone about the power of local relationships and
                      perfect environment for Byron and Vicki to thrive in business   collaborations.
                      and in life.                                     “We have a very close working relationship with the Sheraton
                                                                       Mirage, along with all the corporate hotels in the region.  We
                                                                       enjoy great friendships with our customers and suppliers –
                         “You don’t need too many clothes - you        everyone knows everyone in a small town and relationships
                                                                       are everything.”
                       definitely don’t need shoes. Things that are    It’s no surprise that running multiple businesses with intense
                                                                       schedules of events and experiences comes with pressures
                        part and parcel with living in a city, you     and stress.  However, Bryon and  Vicki are proof that
                                                                       embracing the simplicity and beauty of life in the tropics can
                                  just don’t need here.”               make operating with humility and grace a whole lot easier
                                                                       than the chaos of a major city.
                                                                       As the region thrives in the post covid era, Byron is excited for
                                                                       the future of Douglas: “There are so many opportunities to be
                      “It’s the pressures of life that you get in a city – you don’t get   had.  Given what will transpire post covid this destination will
                      up here, and that actually makes it easier to exist,” says Byron.  really kick off and new business opportunities will be certainly
                      “You don’t need too many clothes - you definitely don’t need   greater.”
                      shoes. Things that are part and parcel with living in a city, you   With the world’s most unique environment in the Great Barrier
                      just don’t need here.”                           Reef alongside the Daintree Rainforest, the simplicity of the
                      As a long-time local, Byron arrived to Port Douglas some 39   tropical lifestyle, then add business opportunities aplenty,
                                                                       and Bryon sums it up beautifully - “where else would you
                      years ago when it was a township of around 300 locals.  He   rather be?”
                      will have you in full belly laughs and bewildered for hours
                      with stories of life in the tropics, and the characters he’s met
                      along the way. There’s no drama or theatre to hook you in, just
                      genuine tales of a life nourished by people and experiences.
                      Byron reminds us that a simpler life does not mean a
                      humdrum one. Far from the stark walls and black suits of a city
                      boardroom, Byron takes delight in the diversity of experiences
                      he enjoys as part of his businesses in Port Douglas.
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