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business for sale.

            THE PERFECT

            SEA   CHANGE

            An opportunity of a lifetime

            WORDS by Jamie Jansen

            HAVE YOU always dreamed of packing up and leav-  years,” Mark says. “Our team members are exception-  THE PERFECT WORK-LIFE BALANCE
            ing everything behind to start a new life in our beauti-  al in what they do and work really well together”.   Something this couple has done very well is being able
            ful paradise? To combine the love for our region with   Mark and Maxine say they will miss their daily in-  to create the perfect work-life balance.
            the  opportunity  to take over  a successful business?   teractions with them but they are confident with the   Most weeks Mark and Maxine work from Monday

            Have you been waiting for a sea change? Well, this   future of the business, due to the stability of the great   to Thursday, sometimes taking Monday off as well,

            might be your calling!              team we have and reputation.        “depending on what we are doing and how the weath-
            In 1987 after travelling around Australia in a cara-  “Working to a good system creates a smooth running   er is”.
            van Mark Ferguson and his dog Sandy arrived in our   business, which leads to a smooth running lifestyle   “We are always confident in the knowledge that our

            beautiful seaside town.  When experiencing the laid-  allowing the time to do the things we love like camp-  business is running as per usual without us. Every-

            back tropical lifestyle it didn’t take him long to find   ing and fishing or going for a five week holiday to   one has their own specialised field working together

            out this was his place to live.     Las Angeles when we have solid Managers to lead our   as a synchronised team and to a  system that is very

            Being a builder, Mark worked on the Sheraton Mi-  reliable team that can efficiently run the business in   streamlined and efficient.”

            rage, then building homes.  In 1990 he bought a pan-  our absence.”     “Maxine has been working from home doing the ac-
            el saw and ventured into the kitchen manufacturing                      counts for about 10 years,” Mark says. “She enjoys it
            business from a rented factory in Craiglie.    TAKING OVER THE REINS    very much and can be flexible to suit our lifestyle to

            It was the start of what has now grown into a thriv-  Even though Mark is not a cabinet maker, he feels it   combine family and business because of the team.”
            ing business: M&R Kitchens. Together with his wife   is not necessary for the now owner to be one either.  Maxine: “With great schools, our beautiful location
            Maxine they have built this successful cabinet making   “We have built our business up to be a turn key one,   and weather, Port Douglas is the ideal place for fami-
            business from the ground up.        with key management members in place so we can   lies to grow up in a healthy environment, spend qual-
            Having their factory and showroom in Port Doug-  walk out and someone else walks in.  Andrew (Sales   ity time and have friends and family visit.”

            las with another office and showroom in Cairns, the   Manager) and Jay (Factory Manager) lead our team
            business is now well-known for its specialisation in   and deal with the daily operations of the business.”  WORK IN PARADISE
            designing, fabricating and installing kitchens, vani-  When the business is sold, Mark and Maxine will con-
            ties, wardrobes, laundry cabinets and custom interior   tinue to give support for as long as required. “We love   “We love Port Douglas and everything surrounding
            joinery for the North Queensland new home and ren-  what we do and are happy to keep doing it,” Maxine   it and would never move away. We have everything
            ovation markets.                    said. “We aim for a successful handover and for the   on our doorstep that we love, the Great Barrier Reef,

            After 35 years of delivering dedicated and high stan-  business to continue to be successful and for the team   fishing, four-wheel driving, camping, water skiing -
                                                                                    there’s never a dull moment. It’s an excellent place to
            dard work, the couple is now ready to retire and hand   to thrive.”     enjoy our later years.”
            over the business to the right person.   Mark says he understands that when anyone buys a   Does all the above sound like a dream to you? Then

            “We couldn’t be happier to see someone come in and   business they will always be motivated and fresh in   you better make it reality!

            take over the reins, see them add their personal flair   mind to make improvements to their purchase, “this   Who knows, you might soon be packing your bags to

            and watch M&R Kitchens flourish into the future.”  business exactly allows that”.   start a new life in paradise.
            “They will love living in Port Douglas, it complements   “The business has a comprehensive, reliable client

            the ideal work and lifestyle.” Maxine adds.  base, built up over its 35 years of operation. It includes
                                                many Project Builders and private clients that have   Interested buyers should contact:
            DREAM TEAM                          become repeat customers over the years”.   Cam Charlton: 0418 773 737
            “Of the 25 team members plus Contractors, we have   “In addition to the Douglas Shire we have been sup-  [email protected]
            been very fortunate to have great people working with   plying joinery to Cooktown, Tablelands, Townsville,
            us with many of our team being with us for up to 22   Ayr, Bowen and Charters Towers,” Mark says. “All of
                                                these areas are expanding rapidly.”
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