Page 87 - Port Douglas Magazine 35
P. 87

“It is an unbelievable and unique environment at the
                                                     Habitat, I love the diversity and challenges of working

                                                            with both humans and animals,”

            Clare Anderson

            Between squawks of cheeky cockatoos within the lush haven of the nature
            park I sit with the affable Clare Anderson, general manager for Wildlife
            Habitat Port Douglas. As we chat, I am reminded of what Gandhi once said:
            “We need to be the change that we wish to see in the world.” Within mere   virtues she holds today. “To have a strong but warm soul in a father that
            moments of meeting Clare, it is evident that she is a strong inspirational   gives their time is an incredible role model for a child.”
            leader who strives to make positive differences all around her in the world we   It’s been 22 years since she first called the Douglas Shire home. She has been
            share, and for future generations to be able to appreciate the same magical   loyal to the Wildlife Habitat from day one, working her way up the ranks
            wonders as we do now.                                  and bringing an eco-conscious approach to the park as she achieved many
            Fresh from university, Clare set out to make environmental waves across   personal and professional milestones. Clare is the essence of ‘if you love
            the country, leaving her home in the Yarra Valley with an ecotourism   what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.’ Acting as a Swiss Army
            qualification in hand to experience the marvels of Australia.  knife for the Habitat she has given it all a red-hot go, from tour guide to
            Her travels came to a halt as her passion to change the world progressed to   wildlife handler, sales, and management. “It is an unbelievable and unique
            the Douglas Shire where there was a brighter shade of green with the growth   environment at the Habitat, I love the diversity and challenges of working
            of eco-tourism. This was a place she felt she could champion with her skills   with both humans and animals,” she said.
            and desire.                                            Proud of her community, she admires the balance of tropical, wilderness, and
            It was evident when she arrived in the area that there was a greener vision   luxury in the region, how each one seamlessly complements the other.
            for the future that the Douglas Shire was working towards, eco-tourism was   When the pitter-patter of tiny footsteps was blessed upon her there was
            in its infancy and the council had been a pioneer in ensuring eco-accredited   never going to be anywhere else where she and her partner Murray were
            status for the Douglas Shire, an ethos in line with Clare’s own.  going to raise their young children.
            “With two acknowledged world heritage areas along with tourism being   Now on adventures with their children, Clare is loving re-visiting the world
            massive in the region. Having attractions and operators who put an   through her little ones’ eyes, the beach and forest full of purer wonder, new
            emphasis on reducing the impact of tourism on the environment through   curiosity and a timely reminder of all the wholesome beauty we so often
            sustainable practices while still upholding the benefits of sought-after nature-  overlook. An innocent appreciation for the region that feeds her soul and
            based experiences is amazing, and to have this lead by the shire is highly   that love for the life that she has shaped a million times.  But also the perfect
            important,” Clare jubilantly pointed out.              antidote to any tough day. “When my kids launch into my arms, and I
            Her childhood was spent among a medley of plants, a kaleidoscope of   see the delight and excitement in their little faces it makes an incredible
            colours and perfumes in her parents’ nursery. The grass never grew under   difference.” We were created to love and to be loved.
            her feet. She was always on the move looking for the next adventure on   Clare has been able to craft a beautiful lifestyle in what she would call one
            horseback or building cubbies, however, the fun was always intermittent as   the most amazing places in the world to visit and raise a family. Maintaining
            the ongoing responsibility to change dreaded sprinklers around constantly   her vision of a healthy work and life balance is a top priority as she loves her
            bellowed, kids just wanna have fun, right!             family, friends, and community as well as her career … could you really have
            Little did she know that it was those little responsibilities along with wise   it all? Maybe in Port Douglas.
            words and patient teachings from her dad that would instil many of the

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