Page 83 - Port Douglas Magazine 35
P. 83

Danielle Bellero

             Would you say that you are a busy person?
             I thought I was until I met our next Woman of Douglas. My head was sent
             into a tizzy after chatting with Danielle Bellero, who has a dialled-up character
             full of energy that is geared towards helping others.  She’s the KIND Charity
             President, family business owner, mother, and a grandmother – oh and how
             does she relax? By playing sport, phew. The second thing you notice that after
             discovering her full and rewarding her life, is Danielle’s infectious laughter,
             something that has the honest ability to connect with people.
             Now, Danielle is the unicorn within this group of Women of Douglas, as she
             is the only one that is a true local, born and bred in the Douglas Shire. Weird
             “I remember when I was younger water-skiing up the inlet and diving off Ben
             Cropp’s shipwreck museum [Sugar Warf].
             “No way in heck would you find me doing that nowadays,” said Danielle.
             Married 33 years to a son of a Mossman cane farmer, Kevin, the two have spent
             their young lives running their own business, Bellero’s Electrical Service, and
             raising three children. At times this has been no easy feat, but ensuring time
             well spent with family and supporting the community makes it all worthwhile.
             Over her lifetime she has seen a lot of variations to the Douglas Shire and would
             describe it as “everchanging, but still the place to be.” Even if that includes an
             increase of those pesky crocodiles.
             With the tropics running through her blood when it comes time to take a
             vacation, Danielle and her family choose to go somewhere away from the heat.
             Places where rugging up is a must while being active like skiing the Alps of
             Japan, it takes all the stresses of life and just melts it away as you embark among
             some of the most stunning sceneries in the world.
             However, with all the amazing destinations in the world that she has visited,
             Danielle says Port Douglas is one of the most special places to come home to.
             “We love to travel but we love to come back, we have one of the most beautiful
             beaches here,” she said.
             Her brain is always ticking which is a sure-fire trait of someone born under the
             sign of Leo, Danielle, the quintessential Leo is known for her ambition and
             determination, which she demonstrates in spades in all facets of her life.
             Leos, as with Danielle, have compassionate hearts and they tend to be extremely
             kind and generous. If they notice someone in need, they will do whatever they
             can to help. Like the lions they represent, they are fiercely protective of their
             This shines so true through her passionate work with KIND (“Kids In Need
             Donations”), a not-for-profit organisation founded in 2008 to raise funds for
             any child in the Douglas Shire who suffers from a life-threatening or long-term
             debilitating illness. Danielle considers herself fortunate enough to have been
             with the organisation for 10 years, and president for nine.
             “We pay for anything that the government doesn’t pay for, such as flights to major hospitals, medical
             aids, and food vouchers whilst the child is having treatment away from their home,” said Danielle.
             “Even though we live in a beautiful part of the world, when it comes to serious medical treatment of   “Kids have so much
             children, they all must go to the major cities. The costs of this can be financially crippling for families.”
             KIND needs to raise at least $20,000 – 25,000 each year to continue to assist the families in the   potential inside of them,
             community so any donations to the charity are very much appreciated, with 100% of all the money
             raised used to assist families.                                        and we don’t necessarily
             Danielle and the team have two major fund-raising efforts throughout the year, being their Melbourne
             Cup Event and Cash for KIND raffle.                                     know what the potential
             “Kids have so much potential inside of them, and we don’t necessarily know what the potential is when
             they’re born or even at 17. Giving them their best chance when they need it most while keeping families,   is when they’re born or
             well families, together, it might be the support enough to push them to recovery to fulfill their potential.”
             Danielle and the KIND team believe this commitment to community and passion for helping children is   even at 17.”
             rooted in everyone with a heartbeat, and that is the reason she selfishly does what she does for families and
             kids in need.
             In her personal time, her heart is warmed spending time with her granddaughter, going on adventures
             throughout the shire exploring places for the little one like the Flagstaff Hill headland walk. When she is
             having an off day it’s the soulful simplicity of kindness, seeing a good deed, or hearing an uplifting news
             story that turns her around.

             Find more information, or donate to KIND
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