Page 48 - Port Douglas Magazine 35
P. 48

“I had not seen the dress and seeing Beth for

                                 the first time, well I was simply blown away

                                     and it is a moment I will never forget.”

                     Having attended several friends’ weddings in Port   every moment.  I had not seen the dress and seeing Beth
                     Douglas, the couple knew their home would make the   for the first time, well I was simply blown away and it is a
                     perfect wedding destination but there was still a lot of   moment I will never forget.”
                     planning to do, even for this intimate celebration.
                                                                 They added some small things throughout the day
                     “We researched online, sent some emails and online   that  were  personal  to  the  couple  and  just  added to  the
                     enquiries and were fortunate enough to have first-  memories. They decided to do a mini beer shot as they
                     hand recommendations from friends,” says Beth. “The   had done when they first met that life changing night in
                     photographer was very important to us and The Seitter   Paddy’s. (And they have shared many, many more since
                     Woodhouse  was  the  perfect fit for  us  -  her  style  and   then). Beth adds: “As my dad couldn’t be there our dog
                     creative flair was exactly what we wanted to capture our   Fergus walked me down the aisle, dressed appropriately
                     special day. The celebrant was referred from a friend, and   in his mini tux, I think he stole the show!”
                     as soon as we met Anna in person, we knew her warm   Kaylee, @seitterwoodhouse the photographer, made
                     and loving nature and attention to detail was what we   them feel so comfortable. Even though Beth said she was
                     were after. I had previously bought some dried flower
                     arrangements from Stay a Wildflower and loved her work,   camera shy and does not enjoy getting her photo taken,
                     so decided to go with her for the flowers and finally LG   she didn’t feel or look awkward. “Everyone comments on
                     Hair & Make Up was ideal as she did both hair and make-  our photographs and how beautiful it looked, and really
                                                                 it came down to her creative shots, different angles and
                                                                 the editing. Karen managed to capture the little details
                     This just left the venue.  Originally, they had booked Little   perfectly, the candid shots just ooze all the feels from
                     Cove but then found Mali Mali.  It offered privacy and the   the day and look completely natural as we were both just
                     views of Port Douglas were amazing.         having so much fun. To be honest she made it impossible to
                                                                 pick our favourites to get printed, there’s just too many!”
                     With rain forecast for the day, this beautiful house also
                     offered a glorious undercover area.  A great backup plan,   After the ceremony and photographs, the couple finally
                     provided them with peace of mind.           announced the news to a few close friends who lived
                                                                 locally and invited them up to the house to celebrate. “My
                     Chris continues: “On the actual morning of our wedding   sister made a little charcuterie board and cocktails for the
                     we felt so at ease. We shared a champagne breakfast   few that could make it at short notice, and we popped
                     together as we watched a video compilation from family   a few bottles of bubbles while we revealed the details
                     back home sending their best wishes for the day. Although   from the day. Everyone’s reactions were so special, simply
                     some tears were shed, it was such a wonderful surprise   priceless,” said Beth.
                     and an important part of our day.  We then retreated to our
                     separate rooms to get ready and the excitement grew. As   Hoping to recreate their magical experience and now with
                     luck would have it the skies opened up just in time for our   the world re-opening they are currently planning their
                     afternoon ceremony on the deck with its stunning views.  wedding 2.0 to celebrate with all our family and friends.
                                                                 “Booked next August at the iconic Sugar Wharf we will
                     The ceremony was romantic, relaxed and intimate. Anna   have a reception, speeches and all the bits we didn’t get
                     had put in a lot of work behind the scenes talking to the   to do last time. We feel very fortunate. By splitting our
                     couple and she did a great job in telling their love story.   wedding into two parts we will now be able to spend even
                     “We wanted to keep it fun and lighthearted, we didn’t   more time with our special guests and enjoy the night.
                     want to it to be too sad and emotional as it was already   Let’s just say this, this time around there will be less
                     difficult without our loved ones there by our side,” Chris   formalities and definitely more time on the dance floor!”
                     said. “Because it was just the two of us, it was easier to   the couple said.
                     focus on each other, share our personal vows, and take in

                                                      T E A M BA K ER
                                              Wedding Venue:  Mali Mali, Executive Retreats
                                                 Photography: The Seitter Woodhouse
                                                     Celebrant: Anna Soltwedel
                                                     Flowers: Stay A Wildflower
                                                 Hair & Make Up: LG Hair & Make Up
                                                Bride dressed by:  Made with Love Bridal
                                                    Groom: Suit by Calvin Klein

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