Page 47 - Port Douglas Magazine 35
P. 47


                                                            STORIES OF


                                  chris & beth

                                                        WORDS by Jacqueline Long

                          This love story begins in Port’s famous Irish Pub,   Passage Peak for sunrise. After attempting to
                          Paddy’s Bar, where an English boy from Manchester   propose romantically a couple of times while Beth
                          met a girl from Warragul, Victoria and their connection   was all glammed up and looking her beautiful best,
                          was instant. A first date quickly followed with a   he decided that while she was sweaty, dehydrated,
                          memorable day out to the Great Barrier Reef where   without make-up and a bit sleepy-eyed with some of
                          “Chris took me diving for the very first time,” says   last night’s mascara smudged around her eyes, was
                          Beth.                                   the moment. Chris dropped to one knee and asked
                                                                  Beth to marry him. The sunrise was spectacular,
                          Working and living together in Port Douglas now for   the moment was truly perfect, and Chris was the
                          five years, it is safe to say this couple now calls the   happiest guy around with his wife-to-be by his side,
                          town home, along with Fergus, their Dachshund puppy,   recites Anna as part of the marriage ceremony.
                          who has settled into the family and is becoming well
                          known himself even with his Instagram following    “Unfortunately, after we got engaged, it was hard to
                          @hesfergalicious.                       plan anything as we couldn’t even set a date due to
                                                                  the pandemic,” said the couple. “Not everyone would
                          In September 2020 whilst on holiday on Hamilton   be able to make it due to restrictions and lockdowns.
                          Island, Chris asked Beth to marry him and the   We didn’t want some people to miss out. Interstate
                          couple’s engagement quickly followed.  This moment   borders weren’t open, let alone international borders
                          was beautifully summed up during their wedding by   and there was no insight as to when the world would
                          their celebrant Anna Soltewedel.  “After speaking   return  to  ‘normal’. Vaccinations didn’t even exist.
                          with Chris, she weaved this special anecdote into our   The thought of planning a wedding and having to
                          ceremony, a funny memory for us to enjoy and it was   postpone it was not something they wanted to spoil
                          just so beautiful,” said Beth.
                                                                  their special occasion. “So, we decided not to wait
                          Chris had a ring literally burning a hole in his pocket.   and eloped instead, life’s too short. We told our
                          After a few almost ‘perfect moments’ where things   immediate family and kept it a secret from everyone
                          didn’t go as planned, he committed to creating the   else which was quite difficult. As much as we wished
                          perfect moment instead. Chris dragged Beth out of   everyone could have been there, we knew they would
                          bed at 4.30am to hike to the summit of Hamilton’s   understand and respect our decision.”
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