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Her early memories  of  The  Junk  were  of   To the kids they were embarking on voyages   playing pirate on The Junk and explorer on
            world renowned marine conservationist   of adventure and discovery, but they were   The Lady Douglas river cruise.
            John Rumney bringing the classroom to the   also learning valuable lessons including reef   A special thing happens to families when
            ocean with his ‘Crew Club’ on The Shaolin,   preservation and wildlife conservation that   they scrub, paint and polish together - they
            making waves to learn about sea life, ocean-  reflect the nowadays ethos of both The Lady   chatter, laugh and bond. Family memories
            related environmental issues  allowing   Douglas and The Shaolin.        are built  on inside jokes and mutual
            them to formulate their opinions on how to   On their tours the family shares  their   struggles - serious moments of intimacy
            protect it.                          experience in the  hope  that visitors  will   are communicated as they pour their hearts
                                                 learn to love and respect their home as much   and souls into maintaining these well-loved
                                                 they do, conserving its splendor so that it’ll   historical vessels.
             “Days were spent waking up to the   continue  to  flourish  for  their  children’s   As  the children of today grow in a more
              sound of waves, heading straight   children and generations to come.   ‘switched on’ world it is refreshing to see this
               for the shore, running through    The family is all hands-on deck when it   family cherish their present-day treasure
                                                 comes to the operations. Flynn skippers The   to be able to connect their own children to
               the sandy shallows, swimming      Junk with Skye and Flynn’s son Kade as his   mother nature rather than devices. Making
                with a kaleidoscope of sea life,   apprentice. Kate juggles the phones, assisted   their own adventures as their parents had
               combing, painting, charting the   by Jo, taking care of the sales and marketing,   before them – a rare and wonderful hand
                                                 and skippers, Lucas and Drew provide the   me down to the next generation and to
              clouds, returning at night to a sky
                                                 entertaining and educational commentary   their guests, a great experience leaving only
                   blanketed with stars.”        at the helm of The Lady Douglas.    lifelong memories.
                                                 Seeing how hard their parents work, their six
            Time  was  spent  on  The  Lady  Douglas   kids also step up to help out with everything
            learning about native wildlife, getting close   in between - the marina is like a second
            to saltwater crocodiles as their Dad played   home for them. Much like their parents,
            his guitar cruising up the inlet.    they are blessed with an adventurous life of
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