Page 64 - Port Douglas Magazine 31
P. 64


                                   The spirit of a boat does not come from her design or the
                                 name painted on the stern but rather from the character of
                                     the people who guide her to put the wind in her sails.

                                                        WORDS by  Jeremy LeBeuf

          PHOTO CREDIT: Rian Cope Photography

                he spirit of a boat does not come   But however special these boats are, what   preservation of the island and its coral
                from  her design or  the name   really sets them masts above any other   surrounds, with the Kate, Flynn and their
                painted on the stern but rather   are the people who are at the helm. Well   sister Tessa helping every step of the way.
         Tfrom the character of the people    known trio, husband and wife team Lucas   Kate tells with vivid  description  stories
          who guide her to put the wind in her sails.   and Kate Agrums and Kate’s brother Flynn   of  their childhood,  etching idyllic  images
          There are all kinds of ways to explore the   Bickford give these tours that je ne sais quoi   of her dedicated family working hard on
          splendorous  waterways  and  Coral  sea  off   that cannot be matched, with the Bickford   marine conservation.
          Port Douglas but none as unique and iconic   family having an intimate connection with   Days were spent waking up to the sound
          as the Lady Douglas Riverboat and the   both vessels since childhood.   of  waves, heading straight for  the shore,
          Shaolin Chinese Junk.               The Coral Sea flows in the blood of lifelong   running  through the sandy shallows,
          A charming nature-rich cruise aboard the   locals Kate and Flynn who have grown up   swimming with a kaleidoscope of sea life,
          handsome  Lady  Douglas  takes guests  on   conserving its marine life and reading the   beach combing, painting,  charting  the
          a one of a kind wildlife adventure through   nuances  of the ocean.   The  family-owned   clouds, returning at night to a sky blanketed
          the crocodile inhabited inlet with trusted   company, much like their boats, embody   with stars.
          Captain Lucas at the helm, famous for his   stability,  longevity,  and  if  nothing else,  an   “We  learned  a  lot  about the sea  and  its
          dry and humorous  commentary. Running   ability to withstand troubled waters.  inhabitants  firsthand  –  swimming  off  the
          30 years strong it is a local favorite, making   They had a childhood full of freedom and   beach with turtles, scanning the skies to
          memories on every trip.             fun that would be the envy of any other   understand how to read the weather,” Kate
          The  Shaolin,  affectionally  known  as  the   child with a sandy cay as their playground.   said.
          “Junk” inspires the imagination to run wild   They  spent much  of  their time  on  soul   “We’d get on with the work and do what
          with its dramatic  sails drifting the sun-  satisfying Low  Isles,  which The Shaolin   kids do - play around, but at the same time
          splashed  sea catching the warm soothing   now tours daily.             learning vital skills  that complement our
          sunset breeze. With a history as vibrant as   Their  parents  were  integral in the Low   operations today – they’re second nature to
          her sails, the “Junk” has been operating   Isles  Preservation  Society, a  conservation   us now.”
          tours since the golden era of Port Douglas.  group dedicated to the protection and
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