Page 29 - Port Douglas Magazine 31
P. 29

Rick, Aurora & Rachel  Oyster Mushrooms

            tropical climate for growing mushrooms is pretty brave. Or mad.”  fascinating.  People are so much more considerate  of what they
            “Passionate,” laughs Rachel.                          put into their bodies these days, which is why we started making
            Since going commercial earlier this year, The Good ‘Shroom Co have   the powdered drink blends as well. We call them our Blends With
            garnered a strong local support amongst not only the home cook
            contingent, but also through local restaurants in Port Douglas and   “The  Good ‘Shroom  Latte  powder is made  from  our dried oyster
            Cairns, including local produce champions Salsa Bar & Grill, NuNu   mushrooms  on a cacao base with cinnamon,  maca,  nutmeg  and
            in Palm Cove and NOA in Edge Hill. “I do Rusty’s Markets in Cairns   whole  lot  of  other  goodness.  The  Golden Shroom  Latte  is  lion’s
            on a Friday, but some weeks we sell out before we even get there,”   mane mushroom with turmeric and black pepper, and watch this
            says Rick. “We do a local delivery run each week, and are available at   space for other mushroom-focused treats currently in the works.
            Scommazon’s in Mossman whenever the mushrooms are fresh and   Mushrooms are also brilliant sources of Vitamin D – all our shrooms
            picked. Oyster mushrooms last for up to five days after harvest, and   have been sunshine soaked while drying to really enhance that.”
            we take them to the market as soon as we can, no more than two   So,  what  do this  entrepreneurial  couple  do  when  not  growing,
            days old. We want them to look as pretty as possible.”  checking in on, drying, cooking, selling or learning more about
            Like all good teams, it’s clear to see where the appetite for ‘shrooms   mushrooms? “We talk about them!”, laughs Rachel.
            stems from, and where the love of good business lays.  Madly passionate, indeed.
            “I don’t even like mushrooms all that much”, laughs Rachel. “They’re
            a bit like Vegemite – you either love them or you don’t. However,            
            it’s  this  whole  other  nutritional  element  of  the  mushrooms  that’s

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