Page 33 - Port Douglas Magazine 30
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Lot 6, Heritage Lane

                    DESIGNING FOR THE TROPICS                     He showed examples in his own home where window and wall widths
                                                                  had been cleverly worked out to enhance the furniture pieces being
            Living here in Port Douglas he understands first-hand the challenges of   used.
            designing interiors in and for the tropics.           Leroy described how part of the design process is building up layers,
            Tropical design isn’t about bringing Bali to Port Douglas. Port has its   this  successful  effect  is  what  truly  makes  a  great  interior  designer.
                                                                  Understanding composition, how to lead the eye, is a key attribute to
            own special magic. After all, as Leroy says, “a New York loft apartment
            isn’t a New York loft if it isn’t in New York”. When asked about whether   what he and all artists understand. A process that ultimately creates a
            there  was  any  specific  Port  Douglas  style,  he  replied  that  Port  isn’t   liveable space, which reflects the taste and lifestyle of the owner as well
                                                                  as creating interest and delight for the eyes.
            tied to a specific vernacular. Port should encompass a timeless, global
            sophistication while mirroring our stunning tropical outside environment   He views interiors not as paintings but as sets. He likes the rooms to
            with lush and sumptuous finishes inside. Something his home clearly   tell a story and he has a wonderful eye for detail.  His living room ceiling
            reflects.                                             is painted with a subtle hue of pale pink (much to the puzzlement of his
            He sees a Port Douglas style as encompassing casual, comfortable and   builders and painters). This subtle design touch helps to highlight details
            chic. It’s where we come to relax whether permanently or seasonally.   in the room. While looking at it in the setting sun, I noticed the way
                                                                  the artificial and natural light fell and bathed the room an incandescent
            Leroy is aware that people here close their properties over the green   glow. Oh so clever!
            season and his designs ensure that when they return, everything will be
            as fresh as the day they left.                        Leroy’s recent Port Douglas projects include several for prominent and
                                                                  well-known locals as well as the recent completion of the prestigious
                        THE DESIGN PROCESS                        multi-million dollar property “Heritage Lane”, here in Port Douglas. With
                                                                  these successes, he is keen to design more locally. Blending his work
                                                                  in Sydney, Melbourne and overseas with Port Douglas.
            Leroy’s initial work with a client starts with figuring out what they want   Whether  he  is  working  on  small,  large  or  commercial  projects  he
            and attributes a large part of interior design work to psychology.   embraces many budgets and seems to welcome a good challenge.
            He believes that any professional relationship involves trust between   As Leroy sums up beautifully, “It’s not about how much it costs, it’s the
            the client and himself. He needs to trust the client’s instincts for what   feeling that good design creates. It’s that ‘Wow!’ factor when you walk
            they want. They need to trust his abilities to deliver while challenging   into a room”.
            them to grow so they get more than they thought possible.
            Leroy’s interior design process ideally starts by working with the                           0409 302 184
            architect, so he can arrange the space to enhance the final outcome.       
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