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traditional  owners,  other  organisations,   of having a responsibility to do something
          and  scientists  around  the  world  will   great  is  catching  on.    He  says:  “Every
          ensure the world benefits from everything   visitor to the reef comes back as a guardian
          that is be catalogued and made available.   of the reef.  We have two million visitors to
          And all this is being planned, originated   the Reef every year and we need them all
          and implemented from Port Douglas  to go back to their homes and become an
          GBR  Legacy  already  has  an  innovative   exponential eco warrior, having a positive
          approach to education.  Dr Dean is very   influence  on  those  around  them  and
          aware  that  often  education,  even  for   explaining to their friends and family that
          a  subject  this  important,  can  go  over   with simple actions we have the ability to
          the  head  of  its  intended  audience.    He   effect great change on our environment.”
          is  determined  to  ensure  that  the  next   The GBR Legacy 5-year program is to have
          generation  of  students  is  attracted  to   every one of the 800 hard corals protected
          learning about the Great Barrier Reef and   in  the  living  coral  Biobank,  being  kept
          what can be done to protect it.  alive and thriving.  To have Port Douglas
          Dr  Dean  travels  with  a  virtual  reality   as  the  physical  institute  of  innovation
          presentation that has been created to help   with expertise for all and any to tap into
          students  and  visitors  understand  why   ensures we are doing the right things for
          the  coral  is  so  important  to  the  survival   this  environment.    That  is  an  ambition
          of  the  environment  without  a  yawn  of   from which Dr Dean and his team will not
          boredom  in  sight.    Putting  on  a  virtual   be diverted.  That is, to set a benchmark
          reality headset you see a display of how   for  how  communities  can  come  together
          the  reef  is  intrinsically  linked  to  the   to  overcome  climate  problems  with  a
          rainforest  and  how  the  chain  of  species   positive by product to generate a thriving
          interacts  to  create  an  inter-dependent   tourist market that attracts tourism from
          underwater environment.  When you see   every part of the world for both the Great
          a  scuba  diver  take  off  their  mask  after   Barrier  Reef  and  the  Daintree  Rainforest
          their first dive on the reef, that is the same   and River. Not a bad plan hey?
          look you see after people take their mask   This  positive  position  strengthens  the
          off  after  experiencing  this  virtual  reality   promotion  of  tourism.    This  honest
          presentation.  This 360-degree technology   approach  to  where  we  are  at  all  times
          is fascinating and being immersed in this   with  the  Reef,  whether  good  or  bad,
          breathtaking underwater world is just like   attracts interest and support from visitors
          the real thing … without getting wet!     who  take  back  accurate  information  and
          Dr Dean Miller admits that the early years   continue  to  support  the  generation  and
          were  extremely  tough  but  by  staying   regeneration of this wonder of the living
          independent they have managed to avoid   world.                        “Every visitor to the
          any  of  the  political  wrangling.    They   And in 10 year’s time? “Well having just
          have stayed focussed on what is needed   had our first child, Isla, now six months   reef comes back as a
          to  be  done  without  having  to  worry   old,  this  reinforces  everything  we  are
          about convincing people of its virtues or   currently  doing  for  the  next  generation.
          asking permission to take action although   I want to go scuba diving with her on a   guardian of the reef.
          sometimes they have operated close to that   reef in good health, a reef that is set up and
          edge.  He believed they could operate cost   being protected to withstand any climate   We have two million
          effectively because of their independence,   changes,” Dr Dean says.
          not  looking  for  a  profit  or  unnecessary   Climate  change,  climate  crisis,  climate
          personal kudos.  But now all that work is   disaster … call it what you like but without   visitors to the Reef
          coming to fruition.  Even governments are   the  expert  determination  brought  by  Dr
          now following similar practices with their   Dean  Miller,  John  and  Linda  Rumney   every year and we need
          programs!                        and  their  amazing  team  at  GBR  Legacy,
          Funding,  of  course,  is  still  a  hurdle.    and  acknowledging  that  we  all  have  a   them all to go back to
          GBR Legacy is still dependent on public   responsibility  to  do  something  great  to
          funding.  Private philanthropists are very   support their programs, we can all work
          generous,  even  celebrities  like  superstar   together  to  strengthen  our  community.   their homes and become
          pop  group  Midnight  Oil  and  their   The reef is simply too important to hope
          Powderworkers  fan  club  community  are   it will be OK. Like it or not, we now must   an exponential eco
          staunch supporters.              intervene.
          It seems the whole world is waking up to
          the search for solutions.  Dr Dean’s maxim                             warrior”
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