Page 31 - Port Douglas Magazine 28
P. 31
Like Chilli Without The Seeds
By definition, non-alcoholic beers are
brews that have less than 0.5% alcohol by
volume (ABV). Amazingly, that’s roughly the
same percentage of alcohol found in freshly
squeezed orange juice or a very ripe banana.
“At the time of canning, Sobah brews have
been coming in with around 0.1% alcohol. Of
course, there’s always a little natural variance,
though,” says Clinton. “The sugar levels are
also quite low – less than a quarter of the
amount in apple juice.
“People are often unaware that anything with
a sugar content that isn’t completely sealed
will contain traces of alcohol, unless it’s been
pumped with preservatives.”
Alcohol free beers in particular often get a bad
reputation from beer drinkers for not tasting
like ‘real’ beer. They see them as some kind of
unnatural beer imitation – almost the epitome
of the ‘yellow fizzy water’ much scoffed at by cans. The original wedgetail eagle artwork runners in the New York Marathon showed
critics. Most non-alcoholic beers go through ‘Maliyan Dreaming’ was created by Gomeroi that a selected study group of athletes who
the full ‘normal’ brewing process: making artist, Jason Passfield, and turned into a drank non-alcoholic beer in the lead up and
a mash, boiling the wort, adding hops and vibrant design by Clinton’s brother and recovery out-performed and recovered faster
fermenting. designer Tristan Schultz. The Gamilaraay than the study group who didn’t. Further, Dr
While regular beers are then bottled (or words ‘Badha Gali’, meaning ‘bitter drink’, is Johannes Scherr, the lead author and doctor
incorporated into the can artwork.
for the German Olympic ski team, said all of
canned or kegged), non-alcoholic beers his athletes drink non-alcoholic beer during
then need to have their alcohol removed or training. At the 2018 PyeongChang Games,
lessened. This has been done historically The Holistic Health Drink Germany tied for the most gold medals.
through exposing the brew to high heat, In addition to filling a market gap, Sobah has Coincidence?
effectively boiling the alcohol out, or distilling a greater, more philanthropic purpose: to
out the alcohol via reverse osmosis, much raise funds for healing programs that actually Sobah Beverages has understandably
like removing salt from ocean water. These work, and implement them in partnership received widespread interest from stockists
methods, however, affect flavour, often with existing rehabilitation organisations. This all over the country, including in the Port
resulting in the slightly insipid, watery flavour is The Sobah Initiative, with a portion of all Douglas Daintree region. “We get our lemon
associated with traditional non-alcoholic sales going towards funding the initiative. As aspen and Davidson plum from Kuku Yalanji
beers. Some larger breweries have invested an expert in Social and Emotional Wellbeing land here, so naturally we’d love to see it
in a system that vacuums the alcohol from and ways traditional healing, Clinton talks available in this area”, says Clinton. The
the beer, a new method that best preserves about the importance of people in drug and beers are now on the menu at Tjapukai
flavour and body. alcohol recovery who need to stay socialised Aboriginal Cultural Park and will be found
And therein lies the Sobah difference. Sobah without the worry of relapse. “For me, I love at the Mossman Gorge Centre by mid-year.
The product is also working on a social
beers are brewed with a strain of yeast that the taste of beer and always have. I have media campaign in conjunction with local
simply doesn’t turn to alcohol as it ferments, no worries about ever being tempted by company Marino Fuels on educating truck
thus retaining all the robust flavours they a ‘normal’ beer,” he says. “We do feel that drivers against drink driving “It’s no secret
started with. “Coming from a science our beers are completely safe for anyone in that truckies generally like a beer or two.
background, working with this strain was a recovery who feel it’s safe for them.” Now with such stringent on-the-spot alcohol
much better option than simply removing the Another holistic initiative of the company is and drug testing within the industry, having a
alcohol and the flavour,” explains Clinton. Sobah Fit – a campaign utilising both amateur non-alcoholic option that tastes good works
“To date Sobah beer has been a fresh and professional athletes to promote a healthy for everyone.
product, meaning it needs to be kept cold at
all times. This has meant quite an expensive
distribution chain for us, including loss of
stock through handling issues and product
expiration (through transport), so we’ve been
working on dry shelf stability these past few “THE COMPANY NAME INCORPORATES CLINTON’S
Canned Culture
Apart from the clear play on words, the
company name incorporates Clinton’s
Aboriginality as a proud Gamilaroi man,
and recognising the beautiful Yugambeh living. As a trail runner himself, Clinton’s focus
country Sobah’s founders call home. In in on targeting national sporting events that “Anyone should be able to be social and have
many east coast languages, the suffix ‘bah’ have a strong connection to the outdoors, a good time without the pressure of drinking
means ‘place of’. “We say Sobah is a place sustainability and community. “Non-alcoholic alcohol,” says Clinton. “Sobah are here to
of sobriety,” he says. “We realised no one beer is actually great before and after break down that drinking culture amongst all
else was doing this in Australia. Being an training,” he says. “It has a great balance Australians.”
Aboriginal man, I figured we could do this and of sodium, magnesium and potassium, so
smash some stereotypes while we’re at it.” perfect for recovery.”
In addition to the name and the uniqueness Hard to believe? The proof is in the pint – a
of the product itself, the package comes in research paper published in the Medicine &
some rather striking-looking artwork on the Science in Sport and Exercise on marathon