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Where was the first mango found? Mango – our local produce Parvin and Brooks make up the remaining
The history of mango began thousands In Australia mangoes are grown in the 4%. 90% of the Australian crop is consumed
of years ago on the Indian subcontinent tropical and sub-tropical regions of the domestically. Of this, 95% is sold through
where, according to legend, the Buddha Northern Territory, Queensland, New the ‘fresh’ supply chain and the remainder
was presented with a mango grove so he South Wales and Western Australia. Here is utilised by the processing sector, 10% is
could rest in the shade. Legend aside, fossil in Far North Queensland, Mareeba, on the exported overseas.
evidence indicates that the mango made its Atherton Tablelands, is one of the main
first appearance 25 to 30 million years ago in producing areas of Mangoes in Australia. Learn how to judge ripeness so you
northeast India, Myanmar and Bangladesh. The Golden Drop Winery alone, has over can always enjoy a perfect mango…
In these areas mangoes have been grown for 17,500 trees, making it one of the largest Don’t focus on colour. It is not the best
more than 4000 years and it was probably mango plantations in Australia. Production indicator of ripeness.
here, on the Indian subcontinent, that starts in Far North Queensland, Mareeba /
mangoes were first cultivated for domestic Dimbulah in early to mid-December. Squeeze the mango gently. A ripe mango
use. will give slightly.
How did the mango spread to other Use your experience with produce such as
countries? More fresh mangoes are eaen peaches or avocados, which also become
According to historical reports, mango around the world every day softer as they ripen.
plants were taken on voyages to Malaya and Ripe mangoes will sometimes have a
eastern Asia by Buddhist monks as early as than any other fruit. fruity aroma at their stem ends.
the 4th and 5th centuries BC. Throughout
the ages the mango gained popularity and The pink blush and red colour that
by the tenth century AD Persian traders had appears on some varieties is not an
taken it to the Middle East and East Africa. The mango harvest is made up of several indicator of ripeness.
With the arrival of the Portuguese in India varieties “Kensington Pride” is the most Always judge by feel.
in the 15th century, it was later spread to common (52%), followed by Calypso™
South America, the Philippines and to West (22%), “R2E2” (13%), Honey Gold™ (7%), And it’s not just the fruit – the leaves are
Africa. By the 1800s, the mango had found Keitt (2%) and other varieties including beneficial too:
its way to Australia. Nam Doc Mai, Keo Savoy, Palmer, Kent, Regulates Diabetes tannins called
love anthocyanidins that help treat early diabetes.
In India the mango
Lowers Blood Pressure
tree is a symbol of
Mango leaves help as they have hypotensive
Buddha properties which helps strengthen blood
MEDITATED and some believe that they vessels.
can even grant Fights restlessness
Add a few mango leaves to your bath water –
under the cool shade will help to relax and refresh you.
of a mango tree More fresh mangoes are eaten around the world every day than any other fruit. Treats gall and kidney stones
The daily intake of powered mango leaves
with water kept in a tumbler overnight, helps
break down the stones.
As the fruit matures Mangoes are Cures respiratory problems
the amount of related to Drinking a decoction made by boiling the
VITAMIN A cashews and leaves with water with a little honey can help
with colds, bronchitis, asthma and voice loss.
increases. Treats dysentery
Drying the leaves in the shade, then powdered
AMAZING FACTS ABOUT and taken with water two to three times a day
Remedy for ear aches
10MANGOS A teaspoon of juice extracted from mango
leaves can work as effective ear drop and pain
killer (warm slightly before use).
Heals burns
You can Yellow The oldest living Apply mango leaf ash to the wounded area
and this will bring relief and soothe the skin.
find mango tree in India
mangoes orange still produces fruit 300 years old Stops hiccups
in red & green and is over Burn a few mango leaves and inhale the
smoke – will help with recurring hiccup
problems and throat problems.
Good for your gut
Mango leaves are often Put some mango leaves in warm water,
used at weddings to closing the container with a lid – leave
ensure the couple bear overnight. Next morning filter the water and
plenty of children. The paisley pattern, drink on an empty stomach. This stomach
developed in India,
was based on the tonic will help flush out toxins and keep your
shape of the stomach clean.