Page 39 - Port Douglas Magazine 43
P. 39
WORDS by Rosie Wang drills, became the perfect setting to mark the start
Scott and Sonja’s story is one of
S serendipity, shared passions, and a of their forever.
love for extraordinary places. Scott
From their distant corners of the world, the couple’s
was born in the rugged outback of
New South Wales, growing up on a journey together led them to the idyllic beaches of Far
North Queensland. Their mutual love for the tropics
150,000-acre sheep and cattle station, and coastal lifestyle has made FNQ their home for
with a career now as a Senior Project Manager many years and made Port Douglas a natural choice
for commercial development and construction for their wedding, a place where Scott had lived for
projects. Sonja, on the other hand, was born in the six years. Now, the couple shares that Port Douglas
picturesque “middle of the Alps” in Innsbruck, bond, owning an apartment here and falling in love
Austria, where her creative spirit flourished, leading with its vibrant atmosphere, exceptional cuisine, and
her to establish her own graphic design business. relaxed way of life.
The two met on Tinder, and their first date was at The wedding itself was a testament to their
L’Unico in Trinity Beach. With “L’Unico” meaning impeccable planning skills and passion for details.
“the only one” in Italian, the name proved prophetic They orchestrated every element themselves, with
as their connection ignited, and they soon realised Sarah Woods as their trusted celebrant. The ceremony
they had found their match. was designed to be intimate, romantic, and fun, just
Love has a funny way of sneaking up on you, even like their personalities. They invited only 22 of their
when you’re decked out in a bright red-and-yellow closest friends and family, ensuring the day was
uniform scanning for rip currents. For Scott and about meaningful connections rather than grandeur.
Sonja, two dedicated patrolling members at Ellis Tucked away in Port Douglas, St Crispin’s Café is a
Beach Surf Life Saving Club, their journey from hidden gem, renowned for its picturesque garden
rescuers to romantic partners took a charming turn setting that perfectly blends nature and elegance.
on September 9, 2023. After a long day of patrolling, For Scott and Sonja, choosing this cherished spot
Scott decided it was time to make his own big splash. was a natural decision. They were drawn in by its
As the sun dipped over the horizon, he led Sonja on breathtaking views and their unforgettable dining
a casual stroll along the shoreline, with a Tiffany & experiences, with many a morning spent enjoying
Co. ring tucked secretly in his pocket, Scott then Chef Niels’ incredible food, great coffee and the
dropping to one knee - not to rescue someone, but to team’s service. Now workshopping ideas with the
propose to the woman who had become his ultimate owner and long term restaurateur Karen, they were
lifeline. The beach, where they had spent countless filled with confidence and peace of mind.
hours supporting each other through rescues and