Page 102 - Port Douglas Magazine 43
P. 102

DAINTREE ADVENTURES.                                                                                                                                                                                                    DAINTREE ADVENTURES.

                                                                                                                                         WORDS by Jamie Jansen

                                                                                                                                         Swiming with turtles on the Great Barrier Reef
                                                                                                                                         LOCATION  Mackay Coral Cay

                                                                                                                                                    “As a  family-run business, Ocean Safari aims to provide an authentic, grounded Daintree
                                                                                                                                                           experience - perfect for families seeking a geniune connection with nature”
                              YOUR GATEWAY TO ADVENTURE:

                                     WHERE THE RAINFOREST                                                                                From the start, it was a true family effort. Jen and Peter’s children grew up   AWARDS AND ACCOLADES

                                                                                                                                         pitching in - painting, digging, and shaping the adventure hub that Ocean
                                              MEETS THE REEF                                                                             Safari is today. Their vision was to offer an authentic Daintree experience,   Ocean Safari’s passion for eco-friendly adventure has won them a stack of

                                                                                                                                                                                               awards, including two Queensland Tourism Gold Awards, and it’s clear their
                                                                                                                                         accessible and grounded, ideal for families wanting to connect with nature
                                                                                                                                         without the frills of luxury travel.                  guests feel the love too!

                                                                                                                                         For the Claxton family, it’s all about sharing their love for this incredible   Thanks to glowing feedback and a consistent 5-star rating, they’ve claimed

                                                                                                                                                                                               the #1 spot on TripAdvisor for Cape Tribulation tours, earning a Certificate
                                                                                                                                         region, creating genuine excitement, and offering experiences that connect   of Excellence in 2022.

              t’s often repeated but worth saying time and again; the Daintree is   rainforest along the mainland beach as you snorkel the Great Barrier Reef   visitors with the Daintree’s unique beauty.
              the only place on Earth where two world heritage sites, the ancient   - a rare and stunning view of two extraordinary ecosystems side by side.                                   Both Ocean Safari and Safari Lodge proudly hold a “Best of Queensland
              rainforest and the Great Barrier Reef, meet in breathtaking   But this family-owned operation is about more than just reef tours.   AN ECO-FRIENDLY MISSION WITH A TWIST         Experience” title for 2024, a testament to the unforgettable experiences they

              harmony. Here, you get the rare chance to explore both lush jungle   Ocean Safari offers the complete Cape Tribulation experience, with cosy                                     deliver year after year.

         Iand colourful coral reef in one unforgettable experience.  accommodation at Safari Lodge - complete with a swimming pool and well-  Ocean Safari’s commitment to conservation runs deep. As active participants   But what really fuels Ocean Safari’s success is their team - locals deeply
                                                                                                                                         in the Tourism Reef Protection Initiative (TRPI) with the Reef Authority,
          Located in the heart of Cape Tribulation, multi award-winning tour   kept facilities - and fresh, local bites at Turtle Rock Café. It’s an ideal base for   Ocean Safari works tirelessly to ensure the reef’s vibrant future.  connected to the Daintree who love what they do and bring that excitement
          operator Ocean Safari offers the only direct tour to the reef from within   immersing in the raw beauty of the Daintree.                                                             to every guest interaction.

          the Daintree. This half-day eco-tour takes you to two incredible snorkelling                                                   One of their conservation programs, Reef Seeker, offers a rare, hands-on   And, of course, it’s all kept close to the heart. As a true family business, the

                                                                                                                                         way to make a difference. This program invites visitors to step into the
          spots at Mackay Reef, a pristine sand cay surrounded by vibrant coral and   A TRUE FAMILY BUSINESS                             role of “marine biologists for a day,” immersing them in reef surveys, data   Claxtons run the show, with family members involved at every level, from

          rich marine life. With just 25 passengers per tour, you can enjoy the beauty                                                                                                         operations to general management. Their shared vision and dedication
          of the reef in an intimate, small-group setting.     Founded in  2008 by Jan  and Peter Claxton, who previously  built Ocean   collection, and marine science. Led by seasoned marine biologists and   have turned Ocean Safari into a thriving hub of adventure, rooted in family

                                                               Rafting in the Whitsundays, Ocean Safari is the result of their passion for
                                                                                                                                         expert guides, the experience is perfect for students and curious travellers
          Check-in unfolds beneath the lush rainforest canopy, followed by a tranquil   ecotourism and small-group, eco-friendly tours.   alike.                                               values, local pride, and genuine teamwork.
          stroll toward the shoreline. From there, a high-speed vessel whisks guests

          across turquoise waters, reaching the stunning cay in just 25 minutes.  Their journey to the Daintree began when a family friend managing reef   Imagine snorkelling alongside vibrant corals while collecting real data to

                                                               tours in the area invited them to visit. Struck by the natural beauty, Peter
                                                                                                                                         help monitor reef health! This is eco-tourism with a twist—fun, interactive,

          Here, you’ll swim among colourful coral gardens, tropical fish, eagle rays,   knew it was the perfect place for a more intimate, eco-friendly experience,   and meaningful, allowing visitors to help safeguard this natural wonder for
          giant clams, and abundant sea turtles. On most days, you can even see the   and Ocean Safari was born.                         generations to come.
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