Page 79 - Port Douglas Magazine 42
P. 79

TAKE A HIKE                                                       MOWBRAY              LENGTH: 7KM TRACK RETURN

 WORDS by Sofi a Cullen                               5             FALLS                TIME: ALLOW ABOUT 2-3 HOURS
 If you think a vacation in Port Douglas can only be spent soak-                        DIFFICULTY: MODERATE TO CHALLENGING

 ing up the sun poolside, think again! While this laid-back vibe is
 perfect for some, not every holiday-goer ventures to the FNQ
 region dreaming of serenity. Well … toss your togs in the suitcase,
 squeeze in a pair of hiking shoes, and don’t forget the sunscreen,

 because here’s your ultimate guide to adventure in and around   If  you’re  up  for  a  bit  of  a  rainforest  trek,  Mowbray  Falls  is  a  hidden  gem  worth

 Port Douglas. Whether you’re chasing waterfalls or seeking   discovering. Located off the Bump Track, this waterfall requires a bit of bush-bashing

 breathtaking views, there’s something for everyone who wants to   and navigation skills to reach. The journey is challenging but incredibly rewarding, and

 stretch their legs and explore the wonders of the Far North.   chances are you won’t run into anyone else while completing this trail. With an infi nity
                                                      pool overlooking the valley and all the way to the sea, the mountain views from the top
 1 FOUR MILE   For  those  who  enjoy  a  bit  more  of   can drive to the top end of the trail, located along Black Mountain Road in Julatten.
                                                      of this waterfall are unrivalled by any other in the area. While this trek can be started

                                                      from the bottom of the Bump Track, those looking to cut some km’s off their journey

                                                      This adventure is best for those who love a good off-the-beaten-path experience.
 is  a  fantastic  choice  for  a  half-day

                                                                                       is  about  a  90-minute  drive  from  Port
 adventure.  Located  just  20  minutes
                                                                                       Douglas  and  is  another  great  day  trip.
 LENGTH: 1.5KM OR 3KM RETURN  3  a  challenge,  Hartley’s  Creek  Falls   6 JOSEPHINE   7  Emerald Creek Falls, located near Mareeba,
 south of Port Douglas, this trail can
 TIME: ALLOW ABOUT 30 MINUTES  be  steep  and  rocky  in  parts,  so  it’s             While easy to reach, with a well-signposted
                                                                                       trailhead, it should be noted that the fi nal
 best suited for moderately fi t hikers.

 DIFFICULTY: EASY TO MODERATE  About two kilometres along the track,   LENGTH: 1.2KM RETURN  section of the drive is on unsealed roads.

                                                                                       The  hike  to  the  falls  is  relatively  easy,
 you  will  reach  a  small  waterhole
 HARTLEY'S   called  Flat  Rock.  Locals  Tip:  Cross                                  along  a  well-maintained  track  that  winds
 For  those  looking  to  elevate  the  heart   to  the  other  side  and  follow  the   TIME: ALLOW ABOUT 20 MINUTES  EMERALD   scenically through eucalypt forest. The falls

 rate without getting too far off the beat-  CREEK   creek  upriver  a  little,  and  you  will   themselves  are  spectacular,  with  several

 en track, kickstart your day with the Four   be rewarded with cascading natural   DIFFICULTY: EASY  CREEK   tiers cascading into rock pools. This spot is
 Mile  Headland  Walk.  This  scenic  trek   FALLS  infi nity pools.                    ideal for those looking for a short, scenic
 starts at the southern end of Four Mile   Once  returning  to  the  track,  if  you   FALLS  walk  followed  by  a  relaxing  swim.  Locals
 Beach and continues over the headland   choose to continue on you’ll fi nd the   A bit further afi eld, about a two-hour drive south   Tip:  Head  further  up  the  trail  to  reach  a

 before fi nishing at Rex Smeal Park. The   stunning  Hartley’s  Creek  Falls  and   from Port Douglas, you’ll fi nd Josephine Falls.   spectacular viewpoint of the falls!

 1.5km walk  is  relatively  easy, making  it   LENGTH: 7KM RETURN  another  cool,  refreshing,  croc-free   This popular spot is great for families and less   LENGTH: 2KM RETURN
 perfect  for  families  or  anyone  looking   TIME: ALLOW 2 HOURS  swimming hole! It’s a great reward for   experienced hikers. A short, paved walk through
 for a gentle start to their morning. Your   your efforts and the perfect spot to   the rainforest leads you to a series of cascading   TIME: ALLOW 40 MINUTES

 walk can be extended by heading up to   DIFFICULTY: MODERATE  cool off before heading back down.   falls and natural rockslides, yes rockslides! It’s a

 the iconic Flagstaff Hill lookout for pan-  fantastic place for a picnic and a fun day trip with   DIFFICULTY:
 oramic views of the Coral Sea and the   the kids. The swimming areas are well-signpost-  EASY TO MODERATE
 palm tree fringed coastline. It’s an ideal   ed, and there are plenty of safe spots to enjoy
 spot to snap a few pics with the family   the water.
 before heading down to enjoy the rest   BUMP   LENGTH: 12.1 KM TRACK RETURN
 of your day!   4 TRACK  TIME: ALLOW ABOUT 4 HOURS                8              SPRING CREEK
 2 MOSSMAN   History enthusiasts and thrill-seekers alike will love the Bump Track. This historic   FALLS
 trail dates back to the gold rush era and offers a challenging hike through diverse

 landscapes. The track begins on Connolly Road in Mowbray and ascends steeply
 through the rainforest, offering breathtaking views of the coast and hinterland.   LENGTH: 6KM RETURN

 LENGTH: 3.5KM CIRCUIT  This out-and-back trail is considered a moderate to challenging route and, with a   TIME: ALLOW 3-4 HOURS
 picnic stop or two, is the perfect way to spend a day in the rainforest. Make sure
 TIME: ALLOW ABOUT 1 HOUR  to pack plenty of water and snacks for this adventure.  DIFFICULTY: CHALLENGING
                                                                  Last but not least, Spring Creek Falls is a hidden treasure close to Port Douglas.

 Just a short drive from Port Douglas, Mossman Gorge is a must-visit for nature enthusiasts. To   Starting from the end of Spring Creek Road in Mowbray, the hike to the falls is

 complete this trail, begin at the Mossman Gorge Centre where a shuttle bus will take you into the heart   less of a ‘hike’ and more of a ‘rock-hopping along the creek until you reach the

 of the rainforest. The Rainforest Circuit Track is perfect for all fi tness levels, offering an immersive   falls.’ It’s best suited for adventurous hikers who don’t mind getting their feet

 experience which winds through ancient trees and offers spectacular views of the Mossman River.   wet. The effort is well worth it, as you’ll be rewarded with a large, secluded

 Highlights include the Rex Creek Suspension Bridge and information boards detailing the local flora   swimming hole and a high, cascading waterfall.
 and fauna, which you can keep an eye out for along the way. To gain a deeper understanding of the   Whether you’re an experienced hiker or just looking to add a bit of adventure

 Daintree Rainforest join one of the Dreamtime Walks, a guided tour on Kuku Yalanji private land.   to your holiday, Port Douglas and its surrounding areas have something for
                                                                  everyone. So, lace up your shoes, and start exploring Far North Queensland.
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