Page 49 - Port Douglas Magazine 42
P. 49

                                          REAL LIFE


                                  THANE + CHRIS

            WORDS by Rosie Wang

              W        hen love blossoms, it has a way of taking us to beautiful,   close friend now,” Chris says. “Her design, style, and commitment were
                       unexpected places. For Thane and Chris, their love
                                                                  unmatched. I couldn’t recommend her highly enough.”
                       story took them to the tropical haven of Port Douglas,
                                                                  And then there was Rads from Port Douglas Catering, who “nailed
                       where they celebrated their union with a perfect blend of
                       romance, family, and sheer fun.            our food and drink perfectly, even under pressure.” Chris laughs,
                                                                  remembering the giant production that came together flawlessly under
            Chris grew up in Langwarrin, Victoria, a place known for grand romantic   her leadership.
            gestures —where Dame Elisabeth Murdoch was gifted Cruden Farm as a   Anna, their celebrant, brought a gentle kindness to the ceremony that felt
            wedding gift from her husband, press baron Sir Keith Murdoch. Thane, on   deeply personal, while Katie Purling captured the day in breathtaking
            the other hand, had a more nomadic upbringing, moving between various   photography. Threadless Films’ Glen produced a stunning wedding video,
            states before eventually spending some time in Cairns. While this didn’t   Bart’s DJ  skills  kept the dance  floor  alive,  and  Drewboy  and  the Sax
            directly influence their choice of wedding location, their affinity for   Addicts added a vibrant live music touch. Chris gushes about Drew’s
            tropical destinations was unmistakable.               magical acoustic set during the ceremony and the unforgettable moment
            So how did they meet when they lived 2,874 km away from each other?   when the entire wedding party hit the dancefloor at 5pm, so caught up in
            Nine years ago, their paths crossed virtually online (the wonders of   the fun that dinner was delayed.
            modern technology) and nine years later they are now very much offline,   Of course, no wedding would be complete without flowers, and Wynne’s
            in reality and in love.  A beautiful acreage home in Langwarrin, which   floral arrangements were breathtaking, adding a magical ambiance to
            they share with their three children, is now paradise on earth and home.  the venue.
            Thane proposed to Chris soon after a life-changing moment. Two weeks   Originally, Chris and Thane had planned to hold their reception at the
            after welcoming their son Harrison into the world via surrogacy, Thane   iconic Sugar Wharf, but with rain in the forecast, a last-minute switch to
            popped the question on Father’s Day, making it a doubly special occasion.   a giant clear span marquee at Rex Smeal Park was made. “It was the best
            “It was my first Father’s Day,” Chris recalls fondly, “and Thane involved   decision ever,” Chris notes. The sunset, calm weather, and palm trees
            all the kids — it was very romantic.”                 created a magical backdrop, and the clear tent allowed for stunning views
            When it came to planning their wedding, Chris shared: “We knew we   of the water and a spectacular fireworks display.
            wanted a destination wedding.” At first, they considered an overseas   Sugar Wharf, however, remained the ceremony location, looking stunning
            tropical location, but soon realised it might limit the number of guests   inside as the couple exchanged their vows.
            who could join them. After spending a week in Port Douglas, they fell in
            love with its laid-back tropical vibe. A bit of research made it clear that   Thanks to Kylie and the wedding team, planning the event was a breeze,
                                                                  even from a distance. Chris took a very hands-on approach, collaborating
            Port Douglas was the perfect choice — it had everything they wanted
            and provided the ideal setting to celebrate their special day surrounded   closely with Kylie to design every detail, but he credits her for making
            by all their loved ones.                              everything so easy. “You could be as involved or uninvolved as you
                                                                  wanted, and it still would have worked.”
            When the couple first announced their destination wedding, they were
            expecting about 40 guests to make the trip due to the distance. Instead,   On  the  day  of  the  wedding,  there  were  no  rigid  traditions  for  Thane
                                                                  and Chris. Instead, they spent the day getting ready together with their
            they were pleasantly surprised when 76 friends and family members   groom’s party and kids, enjoying a relaxed, fun atmosphere. “We’ve been
            showed up, many making it a vacation and bringing along extended
            family. Their wedding turned into a tropical holiday for everyone!  together for nine years,” Chris says, “so why not start the day together?”
                                                                  With a vision of classy, romantic fun, Chris sent Kylie a single Instagram
            Every wedding needs a great team to bring it to life, and Chris and Thane
            couldn’t have been happier with theirs.               video for inspiration, and she ran with it, creating a wedding filled with
                                                                  memorable moments—fireworks, sparklers, confetti cannons, live music,
            Kylie from Eventcore stood out as the rockstar planner who made   and an all-around vibrant atmosphere. “It was the greatest party I’ve ever
            everything run smoothly. “We’re still in touch every week, she feels like a   been to,” Chris beams.
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