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local talent. local talent.
Your family must be super proud of your efforts, how seeing them in my jerseys is something I hold very close
important have they been in your career? to my heart.
Family is so important to me, and I’m so grateful to have Any advice for aspiring players?
had their support through my career so far. Coming from
a big family, to move away from them to Brisbane at 15 Anyone can have talent and success in their younger
years old was pretty difficult, but I think the guidance years, but at the professional level, it’s mindset that is the
from my parents was something that really allowed me to game changer. My advice, and the biggest lesson I have
make that move with confidence. learned so far, is to always know your ‘why’. This applies
My mum spent more hours than you can imagine driving to anything in life – if you have a purpose to everything
me to trainings in my youth. She did everything in her you do, it’s a lot easier to persevere when things are hard.
power to make my dream a reality, and I’m so grateful When did you first get a call up for the Matilda’s
for that. At the same time, when the offer from Brisbane camps?
Roar came, she made a rule that I wasn’t allowed to move
just for football, and insisted that if I wanted to move, I It was in 2021 – a camp in Dubai before the Asian cup
would also have to be accepted into an academic school. that year.
Although it would’ve been a lot easier at the time, I am I’ve since been called into camp over the last few years in
now so grateful for that, because it allowed me to think Spain, Portugal, America and Australia.
of myself as more than a footballer – and I think it let me It has been a dream of mine to play for my country since
stay in love with the game. My dad made it clear early I was 5 and declared it to my parents. While my vision
“ proud of me if I decided not This year I had my international debut for the Matildas.
of life has changed a lot since I was 5, that’s the one thing
on that they would be just as
that’s stayed consistent.
to pursue football. Whenever
It was during a ‘B’ international friendly game against
I was having a rough time,
Canada before the Olympics. While it wasn’t an official
he would remind me (and
cap, it was still very special – and it’s definitely ignited
still does) that I could move
“My first international
that will to get my official debut even more.
home at the click of my
debut representing
know it, but by doing this he
Club wise you never really know in the world of football,
Australia was the ‘B’ fingers. He probably doesn’t Future career goals for Wini Heatley?
constantly reminds me that
international game I’m in full control of the goals but one thing is for certain; I’d love to cement my spot in
the Matilda’s national team.
against Canada. I will I’m pursuing and the life I’m What does life after football look like?
living. It allows me to refocus
never forget it; it was just when things are tough, which I think female athletes in general have always been urged
so special to be able to they often are. to consider life after football a bit more than our male
Living away from my family
play with a lot of players has undoubtedly been the counterparts - so I’ve always had a bit of a vision. I’d
love to combine my connections to the game with my
that I’ve looked up to in most difficult thing about my (pending) Law degree, to continue to work with some of
career. I still struggle with the
the Matildas for years.” guilt of leaving my younger the organisations I’ve mentioned and achieve something
good for the world.
siblings, and now my niece
and nephew – of not being Watch this space!
able to watch them grow up as And follow Wini Heatley’s journey...
closely as I want to. So, seeing
how proud they are of me, and @winiheatleyy
2006 2017 - 2021
PRIMARY SCHOOL Two seasons for the Brisbane Royal Academy SWEDEN SYDNEY MATILDAS DEBUT
Joined Douglas Dragons FC, Brisbane Roar FC in the Women’s A-League. VÄXJÖ DFF Joined the Future Matildas Pre-Olympic Games “B” international game
where it all began playing with It was here she made her professional debut in Played here for six months program - Full time Wini made her debut against Canada
her siblings and dreaming of the Women’s A-League till she could return to Sydney Olympic FC, - mid-July 2024.
becoming a Socceroo Australia on the weekends
2014-2016 2021 2021-2022 2022-CURRENT Watch what she had to
say after the match …
HIGH SCHOOL Invited to join the Matildas Melbourne City FC (current Club contract)
FC Nordsjaelland
Program, then COVID hit
Program of excellence, Co-captain
WINI HEATLEY Cairns State High School 2024 Won the Double!
FNQ heat
POSITION: DEFENDER Marlin Coast Rangers The League & the Cup
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