Page 34 - Port Douglas Magazine 41
P. 34

                                Location, Location, Workcation 
                                Words by Lisa Keller



                                                                           Words by Lisa Keller

                                                                           Over the past few years, the idea
                                                                           of a “workcation” has gained
                                                                           a lot of traction and it’s no
                                                                           surprise why - the notion is very
                                                                           attractive. But can you really mix
                  he Pandemic brought with it many changes.                business with pleasure?
                  Some we were happy to see the back of as we
                  returned to normality but others we willingly            I decided to find out.
                  adopted and managed to intertwine into our
         T regular worlds.
          The Work from Home movement that was created when the
          world went into universal lockdown is one such change and
          has seemingly evolved into WFA (work from anywhere).
          We humans are an intelligent bunch and figured out quite
          quickly that if we could work from the couch in our living
          rooms then why can’t we work from our own private villa in
          Port Douglas, sitting poolside and drinking virgin mojitos?
          As I sat working away at my dreary home office in the suburbs,
          I was greeted by an article that led me down a rabbit hole of
          information on the idea of working away. In an instant I had
          transformed into an expert travel planner, furiously trawling
          the internet for the ultimate workcation location.
          Similar to your everyday holiday, there are a few criteria that
          must be met by your location of choice. Firstly, for me, it had
          to be somewhere warm and tropical. Secondly, I wanted it to
          be fully self-sufficient. I wanted to be able to set up in my
          little slice of paradise and not have to leave. In saying that,
          there was a third criteria whereby if I did want to leave, I
          easily could and I wasn’t too far away from civilisation. And
          last, but not least, I wanted privacy. I didn’t want to be in just
          a standard hotel room with people coming and going like
          Flinders Street Station and sharing spaces. Yes, I’m fussy, but
          if I was going to do this, I was going to do it properly and after
          a little bit of research I found the perfect spot that ticked all
          the boxes.
          Niramaya  Villas  and  Spa.  The  quintessential  Port  Douglas
          retreat and the ideal spot if you’re wanting a work away from
          home getaway. Let me explain why.
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