Page 13 - Port Douglas Magazine 41
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from the vault.

                  ubs have their own special character. They have an ability to   The Central Hotel lays claim to being the oldest pub in Port Douglas.

                  extract your inner thoughts and share them with whoever will   Originally named the North Australian Hotel, it was damaged in the 1911
             Plisten. It eliminates loneliness. Lyrics from Billy Joel’s Piano Man   cyclone and was rebuilt as the Central Hotel, a two storey structure which
              would have been appropriate back in the day (and even now): “And the   still stands today as the very special and unique ‘old’ part of the pub.
              waitress is playing politics, As the businessmen slowly get stoned, Yes,   She’s a grand, old and much-loved Queenslander well worth a visit, with
              they’re sharing a drink they call loneliness, But it’s better than drinkin’   renovations adding open timber decks, giant sail structures and lush
              alone.”                                             tropical landscaping alongside the ‘old’ pub. It has three bars and many
                                                                  of the old timers will tell you it was fashionable to take lady friends to the
              The moment you take your spot at the bar counter and settle in your life

 IF ONLY      can take on a whole new meaning. For the next few hours your beer or   Verandah Bar as the ‘public bar was too unruly’.
              whisky is your best friend, and anyone who’ll listen to you could be a
                                                                  The pub also has one of the largest outdoor screens in Far North Queensland

              friend for life.
                                                                  which has shown many of the greatest Australian sporting moments.
              In the late 1800s and into the early 1900s, pubs were aplenty in towns such
                                                                  In 1879, the town had banks, a community hospital, two newspapers and
              as Port Douglas, Mossman, Yungaburra, Mt Molloy and Malanda. Some of
                                                                  government services. Race meetings were held on Four Mile Beach.
              these ‘drinking holes’ are still operating today. And besides limited changes
 THESE        to the infrastructure, these establishments are relevant to the history of the   In November, the Port Douglas Court House was substantially finished

                                                                  and the Buchanan’s Family Hotel changed its name to Buchanan’s Court
              region and well worth visiting.
                                                                  House Hotel.
              Although few stand today, Port Douglas’ importance and prosperity back
                                                                  Today the Courthouse is popularly known as the Courty, and is one of
              in the 1870s (thanks to gold being discovered in 1877 on the Hodgkinson
                                                                  the most iconic pubs in Australia with its open space and wide verandahs.
              River) is underscored by the abundance of pubs (or hotels) in 1878 - an
                                                                  Leaving Port Douglas and taking the road to Mossman Gorge and the
              impressive 18 in total.
 WALLS...     According to Willmett’s North Queensland Almanac and Directory for   Daintree, Mossman is a town full of history and likeable characters, who
                                                                  remember, or have been told stories about many of the pubs that once
              1878, the following were listed: North Australian (became the Central);
                                                                  stood in the town.
              Family (became Courthouse in 1879); Sea View; Cooktown; Cosmopolitan;
                                                                  The Queens and the Royal – both burnt down – once stood proud and

              Currency Lass; Exchange Hotel; Reefer’s Arms; Sydney; Carrier’s Arms;

                                                                  open to all types who wanted beer and  lots of fun. Then there’s the
              Royal; Salisbury; Skene’s Family; Commercial; Bonnie Dundee; Turner’s
              Family; Wilson’s and Victoria.
                                                                  Post Office, which was built in the late 1920s and the closest to the sugar

              The Central and the Courthouse in Port Douglas have a distinct charm   Mossman Hotel, the Exchange, formerly known as the Daintree, and the

              and blend into the life of a resort town. Both are popular with tourists and   mill. The Mossman Hotel is in the heart of the town and is still a great spot

              locals alike and are prominently located in the town.  to enjoy “One off the wood.”
 WORDS by Howard Salkow
 If only the walls could talk. If only the walls could be turned into a
 kaleidoscope of past activity. If only the walls could be our most deserving
 historian regaling us with stories of the patrons who spent much of their
 hard-earned money in the pubs at the turn of the last century.

              Courthouse Hotel Port Douglas
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