Page 95 - Port Douglas Magazine 40
P. 95

Nursery handover to Jabalbina

            REGENERATIVE TOURISM                program’s distinctive design enables us to integrate   regardless of their location. The big kick-off for this
                                                different financial mechanisms, making the   celebration is set to be their largest-ever annual tree
            In  an  exciting  new  chapter of  collaboration,
            Rainforest Rescue has forged partnerships with   restoration financially viable.”  planting event in May 18. Mark your calendars!
            local and international tourism operators, diving                       Branden goes beyond highlighting Rainforest
            into the surging trend of regenerative tourism,   “Our goal from the outset   Rescue’s achievements, insisting that the celebration
            with the Douglas Shire perfectly placed to provide                      extends to everyone who has played a role in their
            tourists  with  opportunities  to  give  back  to  the   has been to demonstrate that   cause over the past 25 years.” It’s a collective effort,
            places they visit, experience and love.  restoration is a viable and    a shared journey. We could not have reached 25
            According to Branden, expanding the nursery   increasingly financially rewarding   years without the incredible support of those who
                                                                                    believe in what Rainforest Rescue does. Really,
            is not just about meeting this demand but also                          this celebration is about a community of amazing
            about bolstering the emerging restoration industry,   endeavour”        people who care about the natural world. We often
            both locally and globally. He envisions the region
            becoming a hub for regenerative tourism and                             refer to our supporters as rescuers and restorers –
            a barometer for sustainable habitat restoration,   Mark finds it intriguing to envision a regional   they are as much a part of the hands-in-the-earth
                                                shift away from monoculture toward a diverse
                                                                                    work  as  the  team  in  the  Daintree.  This  is  about
            highlighting its potential for positive ecological   landscape, one featuring dozens, if not hundreds,   what we can all achieve together – where the sum
            transformation.                     of plant species.                   is greater than the whole of its parts. Rainforest
            “Our goal from the outset has been to demonstrate   “This idea lies at the core of our efforts at the   Rescue is you.”
            that restoration is a viable and increasingly
            financially rewarding endeavour,” he explains.   nurseries, where we cultivate over 200 different plant   And what of the next 25 years?
            “Recognising that trees are essential for restoration,   species, emphasising a highly biodiverse restoration   Both Mark and Branden are optimistic, if
                                                process with a focus on positive improvements to
            we aim to support the growing restoration economy   the soil and ecology. Such an approach not only   appropriately concerned. “You could argue that
            with high quality seedlings and offering a transition   benefits the flora and fauna but also contributes   this  anniversary  arrives  at  a  real  crossroads  for
            opportunity for landowners.                                             people  and the planet,” Branden says. “We have
                                                to the water quality flowing into the nearby coral   more extreme weather events happening and
            “We’re in the process of applying for a program   reef. The interconnected relationship between the
            aimed at promoting carbon farming and associated   reef and the rainforest means that what happens to   a biodiversity crisis making the headlines. But
            co-benefits in Queensland. Carbon farming   one impacts the other, so there is a need to support   evidence suggests that activities like tree planting
                                                                                    and habitat restoration will contribute to a long-
            involves  employing  agricultural practices  that   conservation of them both.”  term solution. So, Rainforest Rescue is a way
            enhance the absorption and storage of carbon
            dioxide (CO2) in the soil. These co-benefits   25 YEARS OF SHARED       for everyone to take direct action. Providing this
            reflect the various advantages that natural systems                     opportunity enables people to do their bit. I mean,
            provide to us all, such as oxygen and clean water. If   COMMITMENT      from little things big things grow, right?”
            approved, our focus will be on collaboration with   Celebrating their 25th anniversary, Rainforest   To get involved with Rainforest Rescue in their
            the community, engaging with traditional owners,   Rescue plans a year-long celebration with special   25th year, visit or find
            restoring threatened habitats, and improving water   activities and a ‘birthday wish list’ offering   them on Instagram @rainforestrescueau
            quality flowing into  the Great Barrier Reef. The   25 different ways for people to get involved,
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