Page 53 - Port Douglas Magazine 40
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What is Screen Queensland (SQ)? The Studio will transform Far North Queensland into a
SQ is the Queensland Government-owned agency dedicated filmmaking paradise. The region is already blessed with
to growing a successful screen industry in the state. Our some of Australia’s best beaches, majestic mountains and
agency supports locally produced films, series and games, remarkable rainforests and soon it will be home to the state’s
and secures international and interstate production and newest film and tv studios.
post-production into Queensland. We also run initiatives The local community will enjoy employment and economic
to build skills and careers for local screen practitioners, and benefits from increased production. As well as jobs for
fund film festivals and industry conferences. crew, this also includes opportunities for small businesses
SQ is also deeply committed to uplifting the voices of providing accommodation, transport, construction
Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples and materials, catering and so much more.
increasing diversity on and off screen. Writer’s Note: With Wizard’s being filmed locally in Port
Opened in 2019, Screen Queensland Studios, Brisbane Douglas, Mossman and Cape Tribulation, many locals
has many productions including Elvis directed by Baz experienced first-hand the benefits generated directly
Luhrmann, Thirteen Lives directed by Ron Howard, Ticket from this film, whether in local accommodation or the job
to Paradise starring Julia Roberts and George Clooney, opportunities created with extras, crew and support services.
Land of Bad starring Russell Crowe and Liam Hemsworth, The sight of Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry as they went
Wizards! starring Pete Davidson and Orlando Bloom, AMC around their own business in Port Douglas was an additional
series Nautilus and Apples Never Fall starring Annette bonus.
Bening and Sam Neill, La Brea (Season 3) and Mortal What type of initiatives will be offered to help develop the
Kombat 2. local talents and skills?
Digital games include the BAFTA award winning, Our $4m multi-year Regional Plan includes initiatives like
Unpacking, My Little Pony: Mane Merge, It’s Literally Just NQ Enterprise which provides grants to boost local screen
Mowing, Go-Go Town and Cities: Skylines – Remastered. businesses to expand their operations and travel support
Screen Queensland’s Screen Culture Fund supports film for regional practitioners to attend industry events, such as
festivals and major industry events including Screen Forever Screen Forever.
Asia Pacific Screen Awards and from 2024, the ACTAA The North Queensland Regional Plan includes our
Awards. partnership with Screenworks which delivers industry events
How will the new Screen Queensland affect the local area? like the annual NQ Screen Forum and ongoing NQ
Building on local talent, skills and capability is also Screen Skills workshops to train local practitioners in
important. SQ is implementing initiatives to increase the areas like camera operation, hair and make-up, production
crew base in the region so that local workers can be ready office work and other key roles that will be in-demandonce
to take advantage of exciting new job opportunities when productions begin at the Cairns studio.
Screen Queensland Studios, Cairns opens in 2024. SQ also offers commissioning opportunities in partnership
with Screenworks and leading broadcasters to create locally
focused screen content while up-skilling emerging and mid-
career producers and filmmakers through mentoring.