Page 96 - Port Douglas Magazine 39
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“Both Grandad and Uncle
                       were healers themselves so he
                         took great strength from the
                          knowledge that he too was
                      destined to become a Shaman.”

          Mooks self-assesses himself with complete honesty.  He admits
          that after his Grandad died, the transition from life in the bush
          where all his skills had been honed to living a life in the urban
          townships was very hard. He confesses to going off the rails a bit.
          But his strength of character instilled in him by his Grandad and
          Uncle shines through when he tells me that he broke the barrier
          of this wasteful time by telling himself, “I have to let go” and let
          go he did. And he soon got back on the track he wanted to be on.
          Both Grandad and Uncle were healers themselves so he took
          great strength from the knowledge that he too was destined to
          become a Shaman.  He lived with these two powerful teachers for
          over 15 years and his love and admiration for them is undiluted.
          They taught him to respect his gift as a treasured possession.
          He is the only Shaman in Mossman.  And to achieve this status
          he has had to channel all his positive energy into an exhausting
          set of duties that include helping people without question and
          sensing and detecting bad energy and having the strength of will
          to banish it.   He took on this challenge willingly
          To achieve his amazing feats as a Shaman he leads a very
          disciplined life.  He meditates a lot.  He never hesitates to ask for
          help or respond to someone else asking for help. He performs
          many ceremonies and rituals to channel his energy in the old
          ways.  All his activities are designed to help him sense bad energy
          and find a way to counter their effects.
          He told me many fascinating stories from his healing activities,
          where he helped a lady from the UK get rid of her year long
          neck pain, he alleviated the suffering of a 6 year old with Cystic
          Fibrosis and he generated much needed positivity for an 8 year
          old with Autism.  In fact, while I was with Mooks, the lady with
          the little Autistic boy rang to thank him for all his help and tell
          him how much they all missed him.  There was a genuine warmth
          that came from Mooks after he finished the call.  It was as if he
          had been fuelled by the results of this healing. I knew that it took
          a lot out him when he was called upon to use his healing abilities.
          It was after this call that I realised it was a two-way thing and that
          he grew stronger with every positive outcome.
          He smiles before he pronounces, that as he gets older he gets
          wiser.  He makes it clear that he is bound as a Shaman to help
          anyone who asks, and he is happy to be able to offer that benefit.
          A Shaman has formidable responsibilities and it is obvious he
          doesn’t take those responsibilities lightly, but he doesn’t seem to
          find them onerous, it’s almost as those he thrives on his gift and
          shares his skills willingly.
          In all too short a time, I had to release Mooks to get back to
          work.  When we shook hands to say goodbye, Mooks bid me
          farewell by saying, “Nice to have met you Mooksy, I enjoyed my
          time with you”.
          I’m thrilled that he shared a few stories with me and when he
          called me ‘Mooksy’ I felt positively elated that we had bonded in
          such a short time and that he had allowed me into his world for
          a glimpse of something unique and quite special.  It’s a shame is   PHOTO CREDIT
          was for just an hour, I could have stayed all day!  Katie Purling
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