Page 46 - Port Douglas Magazine 39
P. 46

have a whale of a time. The sun is shining, the   line we are now 100 meters from the shallow
                                               tide is slack and the wind is calm. Time flies   waters of the reef, holding to the umbilical
                                               in great conditions like this. After 40 minutes   cord that keeps us attached to the mother
                                               of freediving in an unimaginable submerged   ship, and floating in the blue. The water is
                                               garden, I swim toward the boat as it’s time to   crystal clear as always, but there is some debris
                                               move to the next site. Or maybe not quite   in the water column, giving the impression to
                                               yet? The captain quietly invites me to swim   be swimming into a snow globe. Someone has
                                               toward the bow of the boat. A whale has   just shaken it. “Nature is shy and hates to act
                       “I look up, and I       been spotted.                    before spectators,” Laurence Sterne.
                                                                                Perhaps Mr. Sterne has never seen a minke
                 find myself staring           MINKE WHALES                     whale. In this calm and warm blizzard, the
                                                                                minke whale comes and goes like a phantom
                                               The blow of a minke whale is something you   and we spend at least 30 minutes in her good
                  into the eye of this         don’t easily forget. Stinky minky. That’s how   company.
                                               they are known in the business, and being   Minkes don’t grow over 10 meters and
                  stunning creature.           quick and elusive, most of the time you might   as I mainly look at her through the small
                                               not see them, but trust my words: you’ll smell
                         Thousands of          them!                            viewfinder of my camera, I can’t really judge
                                                                                the scale. But suddenly the slender silhouette
                                               Bearing that in mind, I swim to the bow of the
                                                                                is completely filling the frame, so I look up,
                    thoughts quickly           boat. I’m in the water, I won’t be able to smell   and I find myself staring into the eye of this
                                               anything, how will I find them? Well, here it
                                                                                stunning creature. Thousands of thoughts
                    go off in my mind.         simply works the other way around. Whales   quickly go off in my mind. I wonder what she
                                               go for humans watching, and before I know
                                                                                might be thinking.
                                               it, a little submarine with fins swims toward
                   I wonder what she           me, has a good look and swims away. Just a   With a mask and snorkel it is difficult to
                                               quick glimpse to see what’s happening in the   recognize faces in the water, but someone
                   might be thinking”          neighbourhood, but one minute later here   is speaking Italian. Behind me, Francesca and
                                                                                Giovanna are enjoying a once-in-a-lifetime
                                               she is again. We have the minke’s attention, so
                                               the crew drops the line and soon everyone   experience.
                                               on board joins us. If you add together, the
                                               mooring line, the boat length and the mermaid
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