Page 39 - Port Douglas Magazine 38
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                                                            STORIES OF

                                                         WORDS by Jacqueline Long

                   rowing up in different states of   With a lot of online research and social media   with photos of our parents and grandparents
                   Australia, it took a European holiday   scrolling, they found their perfect partner in   into her bouquet – it was a way for us to make
                   with stunning back drops of the   Port Douglas Weddings and Hire.     sure they were all present with us on the day.”
            GGreek Islands and, well, a little bit of   “It was 100% so easy to plan, even from   “The ceremony was relaxed and intimate and
            help from some mutual friends for these two   3000km away!” said Elle. “Karlie, our wedding   our  photographer,  The  Seitter  Woodhouse
            Aussies to meet.                    coordinator, took care of everything.  She   and  videography by  Tulieve  Photography,
            Quite unexpectedly neither Chris or Elle   recommended and booked all of our suppliers   Mehdi captured our whole day with ease. The
            realised this holiday romance would blossom,   and understood exactly what we wanted! We   backdrop, the weather, the gentle ocean breeze,
            as they purchased their first home, building a   had some initial chats to work out our ‘must   and with this setting there was no need to rush
            life together in Canberra and becoming parents   haves’ and sent through lots of inspiration.  She   off anywhere.  Instead, we were able to take our
            to their fur baby, Popcorn.  Settled and enjoying   took it in her stride, and to be honest we felt so   time and mingle with our family.  Following the
            their life, it wasn’t long before the couple began   confident in her ability we let her do her thing.    sunset, we were even lucky enough to enjoy a
            to consider their future.           After all, it would take focus and some extra   full moon,” Elle said.
            Both were excited by the prospect of marriage,   superhuman organisational skills to make it   Sitting down to a beautiful table and sharing
            and even though no question had yet been   happen in this short time frame.”   a delicious menu with their family was so
            posed, they began working with the Diamond   “The only stress really,” Elle continues, “was   memorable.   They took their time, savouring
            Boutique in Canberra. Love spanning across   finding the dress and securing a venue.”  Elle’s   the moment, enjoying canapes followed by
            the generations, inspired by rings left to her   Mum had sourced some beautiful lace on a trip   shared plates, and all wrapping up with dessert
            by Elle’s grandmother, the couple relished the   to Singapore and Elle found a local dressmaker,   canapes and a chocolate cake …   featuring
            opportunity to work with a talented team of   so now to the venue.      none other than their dog (Popcorn) and
            jewellers.  Re-creating these treasured pieces,   “Karlie told us she had found the perfect   Elle’s family dog (Mila) as cake toppers which
            they mastered their own keepsakes into an   location, “said Chris.      everyone loved.  Complementing this, his and
            engagement ring and Elle’s wedding band.                                her cocktails (His: Whiskey Old Fashioned;
                                                It was Cottonwood Estate.
            With the couple’s anniversary marked on                                 Hers: Limoncello Spritz).
            the calendar  and only five days away, family                           Once again Cottonwood did not disappoint, as
            wondered if Friday might just be the day!  The   Set on five acres within a secluded   they grazed under the stars with their closest
            proposal day.   However,  Chris  could not wait   cove, with breathtaking northern views,   family by the candlelight and fairy lights.
            that long.  Mid-week, the couple had just had   it was absolute beach frontage and   It was so magical.
            dinner and Elle was relaxing at home.   Cue   offered total privacy.  Perfect for the
            Popcorn.  The couple’s golden retriever casually   ceremony, reception and they could host   Far North Queensland felt so relaxing. As
            sauntered (if golden retrievers can do that) into   their immediate family too. Seeing the   planned, the couple wanted to take advantage
            the room.  Adorned around her neck was a sign   photographs alone they knew the search   of their destination wedding so started their
                                                                                    holiday spending three nights at Peppers Beach
            with a simple question, “Will you marry me?”   for a stunning venue was over it!
            Elle loved that Chis and popcorn had executed                           Club, Port Douglas before the wedding and
            such an awesome surprise proposal and of   Chris continues: “Elle had always loved the idea   a further two nights in Palm Cove at the Sea
            course offered the only reply: “Yes!”  of a beach / garden wedding and this hidden   Temple Resort. Embracing a full relaxation
                                                                                    holiday was their goal.
            Soaking up the moment, the couple started to   gem allowed us to bring the two together!” Elle
            imagine what their special day might look like.   adds: “Chris is always saying don’t be afraid   “We sipped cocktails by the pool and wandered
                                                                                    through the boutique stores in Macrossan
            They both felt so ready to plan their wedding,   to embrace colour, so we made sure that came
            so they set about making it happen as soon as   into the styling of the day as well. Once Karlie   Street. As first-time visitors, our family enjoyed
            possible!  Three months to be exact!  (Cue gasp   suggested alternating napkins in plum and   day trips to the Great Barrier Reef, Cape
            from us mere mortals.)              blush to pop amongst the white that really set   Tribulation, Mossman Gorge and enjoyed local
                                                                                    experiences such as water skiing along Four
            “We were not set on what our wedding would   the tone for the colours and our styling.”  Mile beach,” said Chris and Elle.
            look like but knew if we got married, we   Arriving at The Estate, “Cottonwood was even   It was such a great lead into the wedding and
            wanted it to be about us, “said Elle. “We have   more beautiful in person, like a mini boutique
            friends  who  got  married  during  COVID  who   resort - we couldn’t have chosen a better venue   one they would highly recommend.
            had a beautiful tiny wedding they loved (having   and we were so happy that we were staying for   “We were so relaxed when we finally arrived
            originally planned a big one) and I guess you   three long days and nights.”    at our wedding destination. Stepping into this
            could say that inspired us to do it how we really   “On our wedding day, we spent the day together   magical place that was Cottonwood, it was
            wanted, our very own micro wedding!  until it was time to get ready. Chris moved to the   next level, our perfection,” the couple said.
            Chris continues: “ We were looking for a spot to   guest Cabana with his family and Elle remained   “The house was picturesque, with the endless
            have a coastal wedding too, where it felt more   in the main house with her Mum and Shae from   and beautifully manicured lawns running
            like a holiday and was warm enough that if it   Tropical Hair and Beauty, to work her magic.  seamlessly into the palm fringed beach and
            rained it didn’t matter.  We had been to Port   “Writing our own vows for our ceremony was   the 180 degree sweeping views over the ocean.
            Douglas once before for a holiday and loved the   both hilarious and terrifying – for us they   We have found our perfect slice of paradise in
            vibe.”                              summed up our relationship perfectly,” said   Cottonwood and have created memories that
                                                Chris. “We were also thrilled that our florists   we will enjoy for the rest of our lives!” they
                                                were able to attach Elle’s grandmother’s locket   said.
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