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                           Often declared a picture-perfect holiday destination, it is no surprise that Port Douglas is,
 Port Douglas            waterfalls, hidden swimming holes and unique landscapes, Port Douglas will help you on your
                          well, perfect for pictures! From the famous Great Barrier Reef to pristine beaches, cascading

                          way as you create the perfect Instagram feed! Here are the 8 most Instagrammable locations
                                                  sure to leave your followers in awe!

                                                   WRITTEN by Sofia Cullen @sofiaacullen

                                                5.  SUNSET AT REX SMEAL PARK,       7. THE GREAT BARRIER REEF
                                                (OR AS THE LOCALS CALL IT,
                                                STINGER PARK)                       Undoubtedly one of the most sought-after
                                                                                    locations in the world, there is a reason the
                                                There’s no doubt about it, everyone loves   Great Barrier Reef is named one of the Seven
                                                a sunset shot. And there is no better place   Natural Wonders. Approximately 1.5hrs from
                                                to capture those final embers of sun than   Port Douglas by boat, found within the Great
                                                Stinger Park, in the heart of Port Douglas.  Barrier Reef, the Mackay sand cay is an
                                                                                    absolute haven for all things Instagram.
                                                A sprawling grassy expanse ringed by PD’s
                                                iconic palm trees, Stinger Park provides the   Pure white sand rimmed by clear turquoise
                                                perfect opportunity to capture photos whilst   water, this destination is picturesque from
                                                making memories you will never forget.  every angle. Wander along the cay and take
                                                                                    a moment to appreciate the remote beauty
                                                Head on down with a picnic rug and enjoy the   of this destination before jumping right into
                                                festivities as locals and tourists alike gather to   some content creation. Aerial images provide
                                                watch as the sun dips below the horizon and   a view like no other and the pristine ocean
                                                the palms reflect the warm hues of sunset.   allows you to capture phenomenal underwater
 1.  2.  3.  4.                                 Your feed will be thanking you!     footage of the abundance of vibrant coral and

 1. FOUR MILE BEACH   beach, making it a sublime Instagrammable
 destination. Easily accessible via the walking
 Keeping it simple to start, Port Douglas’s   track or by car this location will have your
 famous Four Mile beach stretches from the   followers hooked!
 mouth of the mighty Mowbray River to the
 base of Flagstaff Hill.
 A gentle crescent of palm-fringed coastline
 and golden sand, Four Mile’s unfiltered   A lover of all things tropical? Thala Beach
 beauty makes it the perfect choice for your   nature reserve is the place for you. Their
 first Instagrammable destination. Wanting   dreamy orchard, filled with towering palm
 something more colourful for your feed? Try   trees perfectly encompasses the Far North’s
 setting that early alarm and watch as the   tropical vibe.
 rising sun casts soft hues of pink, orange and
 purple along the sand.  The textbook rows ensure aerial shots are
 captivatingly unique. If you are armed with
 No matter what, if you bring your camera   just an iPhone camera don’t let this hold you
 to Four Mile beach, you won’t be leaving   back! Meander through the swaying palms,
 disappointed!    turning your camera skyward to capture the   5.  6.
 vivid green of the palm leaves contrasted by
 2. FLAGSTAFF HILL WALKING TRACK   the alluring blue hues of the sky.  Home of the Kuku Yalanji people, this ethereal   marine life that can be one destination on
 Just a stone’s throw from Four Mile beach   Run between the palms to shoot light-hearted   location is rich in history. Boardwalks through   1.   @riancope  6. HEART OF LOVE   the GBR. Without a doubt, by the time you set
 itself is the Flagstaff hill walking track. Wind   vacation snaps or perhaps bring a picnic as   the rainforest provide the perfect opportunity   2.   @sofiaacullen  Looking for something modern and romantic   sail home, you will have more than enough
 your way towards the renowned Flagstaff   the ideal backdrop setup. No matter where   to snap some otherworldly photos, as the   to spice up your Instagram feed? Try visiting   content to tailor your feed to perfection.
 lookout, pausing to snap some shots of the   you turn, this epitome of paradise graces you   sunlight filters through the trees.   3.   @2cheesytravellers  the ‘Heart of Port Douglas’ to lock your love
 rich blue ocean beneath.  with endless possibilities for content!   over the Coral Sea.  8. COW BAY SWING
 The gorge itself provides a serene setting,   4.   @ashleydobson
 Keep an eye out for turtles and other ocean      translucent emerald water reflecting sunlight   No matter whether you are visiting Port   Located in Cow Bay, just over an hour north of
 wildlife when you reach the skydeck, which   4. MOSSMAN GORGE  and providing the perfect lighting for your   5.   @larissadening  Douglas with a partner, friends or even your   Port Douglas, is the perfect location to snap
 is the perfect destination to capture some   Just 20 minutes north of Port Douglas,   photos. Have an underwater camera? The   6.   @mycolourfulworld  dog, head down to the Crystalbrook Marina   a shot to give your Instagram that ‘castaway
 photos with an elevated view of the Coral Sea.  to lock your love or snap a shot in front of this
 hidden amongst lush rainforest, you can   visibility allows for high quality footage,   7.   @mycolourfulworld_  charming sculpture.  feel’. Picture a remote beach paired with a
 If you choose to continue, the Flagstaff Hill   find the spectacular Mossman Gorge, where   making this destination perfect for those   soft blue backdrop and a rustic swing hanging
 lookout, located at the summit of Island Point   crystal-clear waters cascade over impressive   wanting to film themselves gliding under the   8.   @larissadening  Visit at sunset or sunrise to catch a backdrop   from a tropical palm. The caption ‘Middle of
 Road, provides sweeping views of Four Mile   granite boulders.   water.  of pink light for the perfect instagram photo.    Nowhere’ has never seemed so appropriate.
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