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                                              Eastern Kuku Yalanjiwarra Culture
                                                        and Tourism Hub

                                                        WORDS by Jamie Jansen

            A place of cultural expression, where the Eastern Kuku Yalanjiwarra people   of them and they are part of it. The experience will also allow visitors to enjoy
            can celebrate and share their dance, art, ceremony, food and stories - right   performances including traditional ceremonies and dance.
            in the heart of the oldest living rainforest in the world.
                                                                  The new centre will support existing Eastern Yalanjiwarra tourism operators to
            That is the idea for the new Indigenous cultural tourism centre that is set for   help them to continue refine and grow their businesses and work with aspiring
            development in Cape Tribulation. Soon visitors to our beautiful region will be   cultural entrepreneurs. 
            able to immerse themselves in the unique culture of the traditional owners of   A win-win for all concerned, as the centre strives to offer more authentic
            the Daintree Rainforest, the Kuku Yalanjiwarra people.
                                                                  cultural tourism experiences to visitors, acting both as an incubator to support
            As members of the oldest living culture in the world, the Kuku Yalanjiwarra are   emerging Indigenous tourism businesses and as a service provider to existing
            the traditional owners of the Daintree rainforest where they have been living   businesses.
            in harmony with the environment for more than 50,000 years. A development   The hub will be an authentic experience, working together with the local
            that has been long desired by the community, the tourism hub will be a special   community using their knowledge of local sites and stories that have passed
            place where their unique and diverse Indigenous culture is being recognised.
                                                                  down through generations while remaining true to their heritage “the Bama
            The $4.84 million development is jointly funded through the Australian and   MEETING YALANJIWARRI ASPIRATIONS IN THE DESIGN
            Queensland governments and is due for completion in 2023. The state and   A key objective of the project is to ensure that the aspirations of the Yalanjiwarra
            federal funding has been secured by Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service   community are met in the design. The hub will be built at Dubuji, in the
            and the Jabalbina Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation - a registered native title body   Daintree National Park, next to PK’s in Cape Tribulation.
            representing the Eastern Kuku Yalanjiwarra.
                                                                  The name Dubuji means “Place of Spirits” or “Place of Ghosts”, indicating
            Through  a  series  of  facilitated  workshops,  the  community  revealed  their   the significance of the site as a sacred place. A curved shaped building will
            desire for a place of living culture, where they could maintain a meaningful   welcome and embrace visitors and is shaped around a gathering place for
            connection to Country while sharing their culture with visitors.   cultural activities including dancing and smoking ceremonies.
            A GATEWAY TO CULTURAL EXPERIENCES                     The circle is the gathering space that allows for “story” and considerations of
                                                                  ceremony, performance and education. With construction starting soon, locals
            The project will facilitate cultural activities for education purposes, as well   and future visitors can get excited about a place that facilitates a way of being
            as connecting and supporting Eastern Kuku  Yalanji Bama in Far North   that makes you feel a special connection to country.
            Queensland. Connecting the Bama community is important to protect the
            unique culture from loss of knowledge, tradition, language and wisdom.   Not only will the hub be a magical place for the local Indigenous community
                                                                  to thrive, it will also be an exceptional spot for visitors to meet, learn and
            As part of the project, cultural stories from elders and traditional owners will be   immerse in a cultural experience unique in the world, right in the heart of
            recorded and the information will be used in eco guide training. Visitors to the   Yalanjiwarra country.
            new hub will also be able to meet Eastern Kuku Yalanji people and learn about
            their knowledge of these custodians of the land and sea.  Only a two-hour trip by car from Port Douglas - travelling through some of
                                                                  the most scenic natural beauty that the Daintree rainforest has to offer - the
            The Kuku Yalanji people’s understanding of land and water is the living cultural   hub should definitely be on your bucket list once the development has been
 PHOTO CREDIT: Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service and Jabalbina Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation   knowledge that is passed down from generation to generation. As they are true   completed. Whether a day trip or staying overnight it will be a highlight of
            rainforest people, living in complete harmony with their environment. It is part   your time spent in this region.
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