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                                      YOUR VOWS –

                                                                  What have they brought to the table? How has your life changed for
                Anna Soltwedel, local wedding celebrant,          having this amazing person in it? …
                                                                  “And you inspire me every day with your” ….
                and all-round legend shares her guide on          “Passion for life…. Dance moves in the kitchen?…Ability to only say
                                                                  things exactly as they are?…Kindness towards everyone around you?…
               how to write your vows … and nail them!            How hard you work for our family?….”

                                                                  What do you imagine for your future together?
                                                                  “When I think of the future and the great experiences that await, I see you
            So, you are braving it and penning those vows from scratch. AWESOME!   beside me…”
            This is definitely the moment for stepping out of that comfort zone and   So, as I stand here today;
            speaking the words in your heart. For some of you this is right up your   “…. walking into marriage with you…”
            alley, the opportunity to write your Thesis on Love. For others, not so   “…. about to become the luckiest person on earth and marry my favourite
            much. (Don’t worry, I’ve got you   )                  human…”
            Before you sit down to do this you may want to have a quick chat to your love   “…. marrying my best friend…”
            about the tone of the moment (and pour yourself a nice stiff drink). Laughs   I promise you;
            are good, for sure – but you will need a bit more than that. This moment is   (OK, things just got real – spill the beans! Start with a few sweet and
            the real deal and a chance to tell your person just how much you love them,   genuine ones…)
            and why. Your vows are the very heart of the ceremony and whether you are   “….to always seek out…”
            eloping or have a solid crowd of loved ones hanging on your every word,   “…to remind you of just how special you are…”
            everyone will disappear once we arrive here (Even me. I’ll slip you your vow   I can’t promise you I will/won’t;
            cards, some tissues, and the mic, and leave you to enjoy this moment alone).
                                                                  (It’s time for a bit of humour – what can’t/won’t you change)
            So where were we? The tone. Agree roughly on the kind of levels of romance,   “…scream at the top of my lungs when insert football team win, even if it’s
            humour and wit you are going to bring to the moment … and the approximate   the middle of night”
            length (although personally, I think it’s fair to say there will always be people   “…tell you I’m not hungry and then eat most of your food…”
            of fewer words and people of many, and it’s fine for your vows to reflect that   But I CAN promise you;
                                                                  (wrap it up with something really meaningful and beautiful)
            There is no better way to begin, than to just begin.   “I will stand beside you no matter what we face in life…”
            “My love” …                                           “I will hold you when there are no words to be said…”
            “Name” …                                              “To rally for you in everything that matters to you in this life…”
            “Nickname” …                                          Over to you now my loves. Go grab your pen!
            “You are….”
            “The funniest…kindest…”
            What is this person? What makes them special? What do you love most   As a side note there are other ways to do this if this is truly not you. You can
            about them?                                           write your vows together, fill them with all the stuff that is important to you,
            “Since that time…”                                    and read them to each other, taking turns one sentence each. Every time my
            “I can’t believe how far we’ve come…”                 couples have done this, they have nailed it, and it’s been SO BEAUTIFUL.
            What was a memorable moment at the beginning when you knew in your   OR
            stomach and heart and every part of you that THIS IS IT? …  You can have an ‘Asking’ – where before you exchange your legal vows, I ask
            You have brought so much…                             you in turn some questions that are totally relevant to you (and sweet and
            “happiness into my life…”                             fun) – and you get off with an easy ‘I do”.
            “Adventure and fun….”                                 That being said – it is the ABSOLUTE BEST when you be brave and write
                                                                  down those beautiful words tucked away in your heart for your favourite
 Sugar Wharf, Port Douglas   You have made me feel…
 PHOTO CREDIT: Kate Purling @mycolourfulworld_  “Like I can completely and truly be myself…”   person on this planet. DO IT.
            “Like I can achieve anything I set my mind to…”
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