Page 25 - Port Douglas Magazine 37
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This special box of chocolates contains the beautiful life of Darryl and Jenny   Kirks needed to overcome. It was going to require raw ingredients of patience   Realising  they  had  something  truly  special  to  pursue  they  entered  further   banana leaves?  A little trick of the trade, shhhhhh. Then you are engulfed
 Kirk, founders of The Australian Chocolate Farm. You see a beautiful life   and determination to ensure their plantation would grow and prosper.   competitions and the accolades kept pouring in as Darryl’s art was recognised.   by the smell of drying beans, it’s the type of smell that sends butterflies in
 is the nuance of a meaningful life, one where you can live your passion -   He won silver for his Milk Chocolate last year followed by a gold placing for   your tummy knowing that this is the beginning of something amazing. The
 something that is coming into fruition for the Kirks as they keep building   Now with flourishing cocoa trees growing they started selling their pods   their Lemon Myrtle Chocolate at the Sydney fine food fair, one I can attest to   story continues from the ideal roasting time and temperature, learning what
 towards what is to come; An opportunity to share their story of the very   to another company. Then the decision to become chocolate makers came   being more than worthy of such a coveted placing.  Darryl was establishing   a “winnower” is, and how the beans turn to liquid in their now 40-litre
 special chocolate grown and made in Tropical North Queensland, through a   serendipitous. Looking to their various skill bases and to expansion rather   his place as a renowned chocolatier; alongside the masters he had once worked   Melanger (as opposed to the two-kilo one they started with).
 unique café attraction paired with tours and of course drool worthy tastings.  than just growing cocoa to on-sell, they wondered if they could make it as   beside as a pastry chef.
 chocolate makers themselves, could they really do it? When you think of the   Visitors will discover the delicate art of tempering the perfect chocolate as
 There is much more to a block of chocolate than just eagerly unwrapping the   world’s greatest chocolate makers, Belgium and Switzerland come to mind,   On the plantation, over 13 acres of rows of trees stand strong supporting the   Darryl folds and scrapes the cocoa delight on a large marble slab until it
 foil to squealing delight. The best chocolates are not about sugar cravings at   not a bloke from FNQ.  However, Darryl had successfully worked alongside   weight of hanging ripening softball-sized cocoa pods. This is where chocolate   shines, feels smooth on the tongue and when you break a piece, you’ll hear a
 all, but about the cacao and the unique stories behind each origin and it all   a master chocolatier in the late 80s as well as other master Swiss and German   starts with the unassuming cocoa bean. It’s the care and love from the land   clean and sturdy snap. All the hallmarks of a quality product.
 starts from the ground up.   that raises the crops and the people who cultivated them. Jenny and Darryl
 pastry chefs. With a firm foundation in this craft, he had always been keen to   After you can’t take the build-up of anticipation any longer, finally there is the
 Darryl and Jenny moved to the Douglas Shire from Brisbane around 30   develop this interest and learn more about chocolate. Transpiring organically   take great attention to nursing the land to express the flavour of the tropics   tasting to satisfy your chocolate sweet spot. Indulge in handmade chocolate
            into the growing of their cacao plants.
 years ago. Like so many that visit, the charm of the region was too alluring,   the dream started to evolve for the Kirks, they had their own cocoa plantation,   creations consumed at their origins and cherish the pleasure of these bean-to-
 they had that ‘this is nice’ moment and with that they were destined to stay.    they held the interest, they enjoyed running their own business, so maybe the   Afterall, the world’s best chocolates all start from the bean and Jenny and   bar treats in the plethora of deliciousness.
 They purchased 13 acres in quaint Shannonvale, between Port Douglas and   progression was natural, “Let’s make chocolate from our own beans”.  Darryl always knew they had good cocoa pods, but it was now time for them   Pretty as a postcard, this café will melt your heart at every turn with something
 Mossman, this whole region is rich in the abundance of sugar cane that has   to put their beans to the test. They entered a global competition, the Cocoa of   pulling you in at every glance. Jenny has seamlessly curated a tranquil spot
 been farmed here for decades. With their new parcel of land came opportunity   Excellence, a very prestigious competition that judges solely on the quality of   for morning tea and light lunches so visitors can stay awhile and enjoy the
 but nothing immediately resonated with the couple.   the beans alone. From 254 entries around the world, they made the top 50, a   beautiful surroundings.
            great achievement.  From there, they went on to receive the bronze award for
 Initially, it wasn’t in their cards to be chocolate makers, but it kind of fell   the Asia Pacific Region and this solidified that their high-quality beans were   After visiting The Australian Chocolate Farm, you will never look at a bar
 into their destiny, when prospect presented itself to be part of a government   of  chocolate  the  same,  it  is  much  more  than  just  something  generic  that
 sponsored trial to delve into how cocoa might grow in the region. This came at   amongst the elite.  you pick up from the confectionary aisle at your local supermarket. It’s an
 a time when cane farmers just had a devastating five year low of subpar pricing.   They will both admit, “It has been an absolute rollercoaster over the last few   amazing world, a blissful story shared by Jenny and Darryl that will have you
 The government and ex-Cadbury Executives were encouraging farmers to take   years”. Hurdles to overcome, many ups and downs, countless challenges, and   embracing their approach of growing trees from seed here in the beautiful
 parcels of their land and turn it into cocoa. The programme paid for half of   then of course the “pandemic” put its spanner in the works. Through their   Douglas shire, cocoa beans fresh from the farm to handmade chocolates
 all the set-up costs, including all the seedlings.  After attending a couple of   grit and perseverance as pioneers in chocolate making within the region, they   crafted before your eyes.
 information sessions, it was a “Why not” decision, they had the land to spare,   are almost there tasting the sweet fruit of their labour and remain focused on
 and they decided to give it a red-hot go!  Through their humble beginnings of trial and tribulations and a true love of   their goal, to open a first-rate tourist attraction in early 2023, The Australian
 working with chocolate Darryl relentlessly refined the art of chocolate making   Chocolate Farm.
 Jenny and Darryl have never been the type to shy away from a challenge,
 they know the toil and grind of starting new ventures, the two have been   in the pair’s small kitchen with a tiny-scale two-kilo chocolate Melanger. With   What can you expect when you visit the farm?  Jenny will host intimate tours
 hospitality specialists for years opening kitchens at the Port Douglas Yacht   each small batch he would eagerly seek the approval of his creations from   that wander through the plantation.  A peaceful sanctuary the Kirks have
 Club, Mossman Bowls Club as well as opening a restaurant, Mojo’s in   friends and of course Jenny, and with each casual tasting he was encouraged   created and where wildlife spotting might take first billing with the abundance
 Mossman.  as they devoured every sweet morsel, their reactions increasing with delight.  of fauna roaming their property. Jenny will then share the delicate processes
 With the world’s supply of cocoa being grown in West Africa, South America,   In 2016 during those times of chocolate revelations in their home kitchen,   of fermentation and drying and where 60 to 70 percent of the flavour comes
 Indonesia, and surrounding regions there was no delusion of a thriving   Darryl decided to enter an international chocolate-making competition to   from.  Committed to take strides to educate what takes place before chocolate
 plantation and overnight success in Far North Queensland. It took the hard   gain further insight and as an exercise to see what they could learn from the   is wrapped in foil. It’s a realisation of the potential of the cocoa they grow
 yards to get the fragile Papua New Guinea seedlings to take, most of the first   judging. His dedication paid off, his 85% Dark Chocolate won World Silver   and harvest.
 batch didn’t make it to fruition. The second were a bit hardier but were getting   on the global stage, and was the confidence boost they needed to keep forging   You will discover the cracking of the pods by hand with fleshy fruit appearing,
 burnt by the sun.  It was growing pains like these that both the plants and the   ahead.  how very different raw cocoa looks. Why are they fermenting the beans in
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