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“When you don’t dress like everyone else,

 you don’t have to think like everyone else.”


 While her property management success bloomed, so did Jessica’s own   With glassware, décor, accessories and furniture procured from all four corners,   Again, the message to grow a more innovative individuality is clear.  However, Jess   sequined turban from Miami, or walking the dogs through cane-paddocks in
 enterprising spirit, by including Enduroshield and Environmental Air   it’s not about the price-tag, but the privilege of enjoying the creative flow of   rarely works alone. For an entrepreneur with multiple businesses, collaboration   faux fur.
 Solutions under the Platinum umbrella. Clearly though, spending time among   artisan hands, with the aim of making the world more beautiful. And how that   is key. A keen team-player, Jess attributes elements of her success to trusted co-  Perhaps that’s why Jessica is able to attract all walks of clientele as Bahnuk is for
 inspirational décor planted an even larger seed.   beauty can elevate moments in your personal space. It is about buying once,   workers. Jason Mildren is her go-to graphic designer, who interprets her mind   everyone, whether the focus be on an individual’s needs with a one-off piece,
 and enjoying for decades to come. And Jess’s selection of clothing on offer   to page. And Resource Manager, Samantha Carver, streamlines her goals and
 And the reality of Bahnuk grew to life. As Jess’s courage flourished, so did the   steps away from fast fashion. Each piece invites others to play outside the box,   deciphers her vision, alongside the irreplaceable Platinum dream-team.   or styling an entire home.
 bravery to embrace her own quirky individuality in professional and personal
 style, which sparked the Bahnuk brand message - adopt your own unique   appreciate investment in yourself, and promote a deeper sense of self-worth.   Community  support,  helpful  distributors  and  the  benevolence  of  Platinum   Heart and design will always be Jessica Bannock’s motivation.
 attitude. Devolving from trends, it’s a lifestyle experience with statement pieces   Jessica’s identifies with her icon, Iris Apfel’s, theory - if you don’t dress like   clients sharing their business skills have also been abundant. And importantly,   With a love of fashion, but not the vanity that goes with the industry, Jess once
 that encourage individuals to be themselves with flair.   everyone else, you don’t have to think like everyone else. Confidence in your   Jessica’s partner Gary is likewise a multi-business owner, who understands the   found it hard to find her place. Yet with the birth of Bahnuk, she now knows
 own style creates opportunity, and that changes the world around you.   highs and lows.  how to translate her passion. And in 2023, she’s looking to create success,
 Eye-catching detail, quality, and unlike anything else available in Australia,   happiness, and share with us all the wonderful series of coincidences that have
 these are the things you can expect from Bahnuk. The collection came together   And yet, while Bahnuk’s eclectic pieces might be high-end, they can still be   With so much pizazz on her plate, one wonders how Jess manages balance.   allowed this destiny to unfold.
 with ease once Jessica (her nickname being Ms Rabbit) decided to go down the   styled on a budget. Jessica’s own home boasts Bahnuk’s colourful décor, which   Easy, the glamourous brand owner is just as comfortable lolling around Gary’s
 rarity rabbit hole and stay there.  blends seamlessly with her op-shop treasures.   Daintree farm. In fact, it isn’t unusual to see Jess collecting chicken eggs in a
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