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                                                                                                                                          Reads for your holiday courtesy of the bookworms at WHILEAWAY BOOKSHOP & CAFE

                                                                                                                                         NEW RELEASE                                             YOUNG READER

                                                                       Impeccably charismatic and strikingly                                                    CARRIE SOTO IS BACK              THE SUGARCANE KIDS AND THE RED
                                                                           vogue, the cassowary isn’t your                                                                                       BOTTOMED BOATS
                                                                                                                                                                TAYLOR JENKINS REID                                     CHARLIE ARCHBOLD
                                                                                 ordinary chook –                                                               Carrie Soto is  erce, and her

                                                                               she’s rainforest royalty.                                                        determination to win at any                             Charlie Archbold’s action-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        packed new adventure is a
                                                                                                                                                                cost has not made her popular.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        fun story of sleuthing,
                                                                                                                                                                In this riveting and                                    courageous deeds, the
                                                                                                                                                                unforgettable novel, Taylor                             triumph of good over evil -
                                                               WHO RUNS THE WORLD? Girls! Queen C or the female Cassowary leaves                                Jenkins Reid tells a story about                        and the power of friendship.
                                                               the child rearing to the men - she’ll lay the eggs then she’s done. The male sits                the cost of greatness and a
                                                               on the nest to incubate the eggs for up to 60 days. For the next 16 months he                    legendary athlete attempting a                          Middle-grade readers can join
                                                               feeds, protects, and teaches them the ways of the world until they can take care                 comeback.                                               the Sugarcane kids as they
                                                               of themselves! Daddy day care.                                                                                                                           collect clues and try to solve
                                                               GARDENING AUSTRALIA: Costa’s beard does somewhat resemble that of                                                                                        a mystery in this bright, fun
                                                               a Cassowary. Like Costa, Cassowaries are great gardeners, so much so that the   YOUNG ADULT                                                              and captivating Australian
                                                               Daintree Rainforest would look dramatically different without them. They                                                                                 adventure.
                                                               are considered a key stone species performing a very important duty. After   THE BRINK
                                                               eating fruit whole like the Cassowary plum, their digestive system keeps the
         Royalty                                               the rainforest.                                                           HOLDEN SHEPPARD                                         CRIME
                                                               seeds intact, they then disperse their seed filled “fertilizer” into new areas of
                                                                                                                                         From the award- winning
                                                               FIGHT OR FLIGHT: Considering they are a flightless bird, Cassowaries will
                                                                                                                                         author of Invisible Boys
                                                               fight when push comes to shove. They have a notorious reputation for being
                                                               the most dangerous bird in the world and that comes from ghastly claw that
                                                                                                                                         adult novel that pulls no
                                                               provokes their fearsome side. The Cassowary can slice open any predator or   comes an explosive young-                            EXILES
                                                                                                                                                                                                 JANE HARPER
                                                               potential threat with a single swift kick. Best to admire from afar.      punches in its exploration of
                                                                                                                                         the teenage experience.                                 Australia’s favourite detective
                                                               A HELMET FULL OF FINGERNAILS: The crazy headgear sported by the

                                                               Cassowary is called a casque. Although it looks menacing, the casque is made of   When a group of school                          Aaron Falk – star of  e Dry
                                                                                                                                                                                                 and Force of Nature – is back

          HIDDEN IN THE SHADOWS  OF THE ANCIENT FOREST,        a sponge-like material and covered with a thick layer of keratin, the same thing   leavers  nds freedom on                        investigating an abandoned
                                                               our fingernails are made of. It is still a bit of a puzzle as to what purpose the
          THE ELUSIVE CASSOWARY STRUTS AROUND HER DOMAIN.      casque serves. Some say it’s for heat regulation, it could be a show of dominance,   remote Brink Island, the                     baby, a missing mother and a
          WHILE  IT IS  PARTICULARLY  DIFFICULT TO SPOT  THE   or used for communication, no one but the Cassowary really knows.         party takes a dangerous turn.                           puzzle from the past in this
                                                                                                                                         Whoever survives the week
          RATHER LARGE FLIGHTLESS BIRD ROMPING ABOUT, SHE                                                                                will never be the same.                                 masterful novel of intrigue.
          IS CURIOUS TO A FAULT AND CHANCES ARE WILL BE        FRUIT COCKTAILS: Cassowaries are frugivores which means they dine
                                                               mainly  on fruits and berries that fall to the ground. A  typical southern
          WATCHING YOU.                                        Cassowary can eat up to 11 pounds of fruit a day, that’s enough to keep
                                                               anyone regular. Their droppings usually contain half-digested fruit with plenty
          WORDS by Jeremy Lebeuf                               of nutritional value so the bird will eat each other’s, well you can use your                  NON FICTION
                                                               imagination – fruit smoothie anyone?
          Impeccably charismatic and strikingly vogue, the cassowary isn’t your ordinary   A SIGN OF THE TIMES: On the drive up to Cape Tribulation there are   THE MAN WHO LOVED PINK DOLPHINS
          chook – she’s rainforest royalty. Outrageously introverted, there is still a lot to   many Cassowary warning signs usually accompanied by one that warns of
          be revealed about the flagship species of the Daintree, so here are a few things   speed bumps. A prank monkey decided to add the words ‘before’ and ‘after’   ANTHONY HAM
          we do know:                                          and turned the bottom one into a Cassowary lying flat on its back. A timely                     Acclaimed travel and nature writer Anthony Ham spotlights the world’s largest rainforest in

          LIVING LARGE: They are big birds; the southern cassowary is the largest   reminder and wonderful for awareness because we need to …                   this unique combination of international politics, conservation, true crime, travel, biography
          forest bird in the world. And also the second heaviest bird weighing in at 70   BE CASS – O – WARY: Sadly, these stunningly odd yet beautiful Cassowaries   and memoir.
          kg. Third tallest after the ostrich and emu at around 1.8 m – that’s a lot of bird!  are in decline in Australia and this is mainly due to human activities. So    e rainforest itself becomes a haunting character in this captivating, crucial, terrifying and

          PREHISTORIC TURKEYS: Some may say, others may suggest they look   let’s help prevent this and keep their numbers up, by driving slowly when in        hopeful book.
          terrifyingly similar to the velociraptors in the Jurassic Park movies – both   Cassowary territory and by never feeding or approaching a Cassowary.
          views are kind of correct. The Cassowary is one of the closest living species to   If you see a Cassowary in trouble, (injured, distressed or an orphaned                                                  
          dinosaurs, and they definitely do look the part.     chick), and you need assistance call the 24-hour hotline 1300 130 372
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