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                                            in Mossman

                                                                                                                                         PHOTO CREDIT: Rob Cooke

                                                                                                                                         At that time, Paul found himself redundant. Here he was out of work with   With the project nearing completion, an opening date was sealed when the
                                                                                                                                         a wife, four children and a mortgage, but this small bump in the road only   venue received its first official booking, a local wedding.  Now all they needed
                                                                                                                                         spurred him on to achieve some sort of independence in the hospitality   was all hands-on-deck, a bit of good luck and oh, a name!
                                                                                                                                         and retail sectors. It was decided the family would start their monopoly set
                                                                                                                                         by selling their home and buying a pub. But where?  Where was there an   Taking a step back in history, George Elphinstone Dalrymple was an early
                                                                                                                                                                                               Australian explorer, colonist, public servant, and politician. Naming the
                                                                                                                                         opportunity? Maybe Brisbane? No, the numbers didn’t stack up there. But then
                                                                                                                                         Mossman Hotel came up for sale and the numbers did stack up in a town   Mossman River on 6 December 1873 as a tribute to his close friend Hugh
                                                                                                                                                                                               Mossman, the town followed suit and the township of Mossman was born.
                                                                                                                                         where he felt there was potential for growth. A renovated Mossman Hotel in
                                                                                                                                         Far North Queensland proved to be a great investment. Then, another bottle   Hugh was also a Queensland politician and he owned mines (he discovered
                                                                                                                                                                                               gold in Charters Towers).  By all accounts though, Hugh Mossman was also
                                                                                                                                         shop.   Located next to Woolworths, the Bottle-O seemed the right fit. In their
                                                                                                                                         second year of business, Paul and the team won the award for best bottle shop   known as a bit of a bit of a larrikin. Paul felt such an interesting character,
                                                                                                                                         in Queensland, proud of their great service, product selection and knowledge   locked into the history of the town seemed a fitting choice to carry the wine
                                                                                                                                         that had won them gold.  I guess if the hat fits …. the Bottle-O went on to win   bar’s name - welcome to Hughie’s!
                                                                                                 PHOTO CREDIT: Paul Makin                this coveted award for the next three years!
                                                                                                                                                                                                In their second year of business, Paul and the team
                                                                                                                                         Back in Port Douglas, a takeover of the Barrier Reef Tavern and a spruce up
                                                                                                                                         once again proved if you give people what they want and work hard, success will   won the award for best bottle shop in Queensland,
                                                                                                                                         follow.  Landlord was now added to this entrepreneur’s resume. Fortunately, the   proud of their great service, product selection and
                                                                   amous for its fields of sugar cane, home to the magnificent Mossman   space was taken by talented chef Jed Sneddon and now hosts the busy and
                                                                   Gorge and Kuku  Yalanji people, Mossman is a picturesque little       award-winning restaurant, Kai.                                knowledge that had won them gold.
                                                               Ftownship nestled at the foot of lush mountain ranges. The main           As a 30-year veteran of the hospitality industry, Paul did not sit idle and
              A new wine bar in Mossman has opened             street offers an eclectic mix of country stores - look up and you will see   he continued to look for opportunities in Mossman.  He wanted to create
                                                               lovely examples of Australian architecture, including some classic Aussie   something special  that  would  both  complement  the  portfolio  but  more   It was certainly a ‘wow’ moment for me as Paul gave a me a guided tour of the
                   its door and the town is abuzz!             pubs.  Front Street, as it is known, weaves its way through the heart of the   importantly for his community. “I realised there were a number of locals who   new venue. He and wife Susie set out to create a beautiful space and they’ve
                                                               township.  The vibe is local and friendly.
                                                                                                                                         didn’t want to drink in the pubs,” Paul said. “It was just not their style, but they   succeeded in spectacular fashion.
            Paul Makin had a chat to local entrepreneur,       While pubs and Mossman go well together, wine bars and Mossman don’t      felt starved for choice when it came to a high-end destination.”   What will hit you immediately as you walk in is the ambience, a warm relaxed
                                                               exactly roll off the tongue. Yet thanks to an industrious local entrepreneur, this
               and the man behind this new venture,            is becoming a reality.                                                    When the Mossman Cycle Sports shop came up for sale (ironically the next-  space accentuated by the timbers. The bar top for example is white mahogany
                                                                                                                                                                                               and the steel beams are disguised with New Guinea Rosewood.
                                                                                                                                         door property to the family’s Mossman Hotel), Paul secured it and his vision to
                Paul McMahon to hear how this idea             Meet Paul McMahon.  Paul grew up in Park Orchards, 23 km north-east of    open Mossman’s first wine bar took a big leap forward.  The old shop needed   Mossman is slowly but surely making a name for itself outside of sugar. It’s
                                                               Melbourne. He was attracted to hotel management from an early age and
                                                                                                                                         some massive TLC, completely gutted inside to become a project three years in
                             came to life.                     travelled to Sydney to manage pubs for four years. Ironically, one of the hotels   the making.  Paul and wife Susie set out to create a beautiful space, determined   a credit to everyone with a business there helping to make Mossman a more
                                                               he managed was the Bridgepoint Tavern at Mosman, the other Mossman with   not to settle for less. “Everything we do we try to do it first class, spend money,   attractive town for visitors and locals alike. Tapas is the food of choice for the
                                                               one ‘s’. His next stop was the historic Orient Hotel at the Rocks where he was   do it once and do it properly,” said Paul. Where possible, local trades people and   bar, and of course there is a fine selection of wine and cocktails too.
                                                               the 23-year-old licensee. Then it was onto the Marlborough Hotel in King   materials were used too. “For example, Chris Jenkin from Galaxi Homes did   So next time you are visiting and wish to sample some tapas and fine wine, or
                                                               Street Newtown. Subsequently he joined CUB (Carlton United Breweries) and   an amazing job with our vision of what the bar should look like”. Mossman’s   simply start the weekend in the right way, make sure you add Hughie’s Wine
                          WORDS by Paul Makin                  worked in several places in Queensland, including Cairns. It was then back   Richard Davis did all the upholstery work and Hatfield Electrical were the   Bar in Mossman to your list.  I guarantee you won’t be disappointed, and it will
                                                               to Melbourne with CUB to look after Woolworths and Coles. After 16 years   sparkies on the project. Even the beer garden was designed and landscaped by   leave you planning your next cheers or special event! And if you are game and
                                                               it was time to move on. Paul joined the Independent Distillers organisation   John Sullivan from Hortulus Port Douglas.  Considerate of staff, the second   enjoy rum, then why not try the rum that Bundaberg has created especially for
                                                               which was ultimately purchased by Asahi who ended up buying CUB. It had   floor was also fully renovated offering accommodation, a bathroom and a share   Hughie’s?  Named the ‘Undertakers Blend’ … I dare not ask what the origins
                                                               come full circle.                                                         kitchen for the team to use.                          of that one are!
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